the must summit of systematic idealism
A campaign for Humanity's common future! First of its kind. Impossible to describe the whole scope, since it's an endless scope... First must to understand is to feel the need first. Rest is baby play, because it is all covered in this vision. As a result of a decade long and just completed R&D. Oops, sorry, more than a decade! Now it's your turn to step in. Renaissance 4.0 Just a start in one of a kind way!
Entrepreneur's Showcase
Even better news; A brand new 'right to the point' ism will follow! You are the luckiest! It is not so common someone witnesses the birth of a new ism you know, which you can simply personalize and rename it, with all its comprehensive philosophy in place without any blank or question mark!
Project Super Humanity
You're all in the thesis jury!
R&D completed.
Philosophy completed.
We will start from ourselves, and arrive at ourselves.
This is what you're looking for!
Once the idea of changing the world is in your mind, it is in your life. Now it will be in your mind, and in your life, too. Not only the idea of it, but also, most importantly, 'how' of it. This super formula is the key, and it will be the one and only tool you will always refer to!
The whole scope will transform to your new personalized ism!
Magic Formula, The Basic Visionary Set, the app, Renaissance 4.0, and more... All must go!
And all together, you'll have a sustainable, right to the point, brand new ism! Which you can simply personalize just as per your goal or wish! It is basically a methodology for a great future for all, also to be used to save the humanity and protect the planet by all means. And it will all start from very you...
Stay tuned, but get involved now! For only 1 USD, Euro or GBP. Order for others, too, and give them a new age gift, make them jury of this new vision! So that you'll have a new agenda to chat on when you meet for tea or coffe. Meanwhile, everything in the scope is modular and can be customized; so you can use the complete scope as a whole, or can pick the modules you want. Practical at any age for any background with any profession from any culture.
The 1 million target is to secure you get the best out of all this scope while you are becoming a founding element of this new Renaissance 4.0. This way of introduction is also required for the scope to fulfill its target mission of creating the +mode feeling upon you. It is time for us all to be the synergy! All participants will be listed on the project website if they want to and stay there forever:
!!! Please consider all above and below as side information and register at if you decide to get involved.
The whole project from A2Z including the R&D -up to now- and this present campaign is all designed and run by me only. I'm sure there are many incomplete details to be dealt with, which I am working on. Thank you for your understanding, please do not hesitate to criticize or share your feedback. The overall mission is now to convert the R&D to A&D (Apply & Develop) with you. Thank you all in advance for your cooperation. Just show at least a millionth of the passion I am sustaining and we're all set ;-) That's why, I hope that's OK, I am charging a one time fee of only 1 YLE (Your Local Exchange but USD, Euro or GBP for now) which will also cover the expenses for the R&D (up until now) and for the A&D (Apply&Develop, post R&D, after now) that will comprise the activities of completion of introducing you the full scope of Renaissance 4.0 + getting you involved at least by becoming jury + including AI and computing to the scope and alike.
Meanwhile, 1 YLE is not a must; There is free option and 'you put the price tag' option, too. Somehow you will be involved!
I may need to make changes in various details when necessary without leaving the main idea and without deteriorating the scope as a whole.
Magic Formula +mode > Renaissance 4.0 > The new ism
You will start from yourself and arrive at yourself.
Roadmap to summit right through
the roadmap for rescue
mission possible!

Be the one!
ıt ıs tıme for +mode
become a pioneer of the pioneers
Spread the mood!
Not all is set around here yet, but still... Feel the +mode, Join the Mood, Reserve your lead pioneership!
If you decide to join please first make your transfer then send a message thru the form below if you need to. Your payment options are presently as follows:
1. Wire: Bank Info: Account Name - Ozgur Madak | HSBC |
Istanbul | Swift Code: HSBCTRIX
USD IBAN#: TR74 0012 3007 1722 3774 3770 01 EURO IBAN#: TR39 0012 3000 0058 0399 1000 01 GBP IBAN#: TR12 0012 3000 0058 0399 1000 02
2. Try TransferWise maybe?
3. Skrill. [Ozgur Madak] (I think this would be an easy option, too, it seems economical. Still go with any option you'd prefer. Skrill also says no transfer fee when you send money directly to a bank account.)
4. PayPal
I guess it should be fair enough for now. I'll try to enhance other options as well later.
Thank you. {If you send money but do not fill out the form it means you disregard the refund policy but want me to +mode as many people (and organizations) as possible on your behalf.}

Please note that the formula and the complete scope will be fully delivered as target 1.000.000 covered participants is reached: E.g. 1000 participants who comes aboard with 1000 USD/Euro/GBP each, that means each is covering 999 other people. And that also means the target to be at the start line is reached. I will make a stey by step flow of the whole process from A 2 Z. Some parts of the basic visionary set will deliver occasionaly before the target is reached so that when the formula comes you'll just be ready with such early exercises. There are details I still need to take care of but basically all is set so somehow let's start... Please feel free to share any recommendation or critique you may have. Thank you!
YLE in the long run but USD, Euro, or GBP for now.

Basically what I am telling is I am trying to reach out to 1st one million participants who would be the jury of the overall scope which has a solid 10 years R&D behind it all run and managed by me only. Feel free to say 'Oz, I'm in, I will reach out to 1000 people so that we'll hit the target sooner, and we'll all know all about this new methodology and begin to use asap! We MUST have a practical plan not only to get people involved for a better common future but also to feed our hope for it with a solid action now plan. Oh man this is really so exciting.' { :p } If it turns out I can't reach out to 1000 I will ask for your help.
You/Us > Magic Formula > Renaissance 4.0 > New Ism > You/Us > ?
All required for the must mindset shift if we all want a great common future for all of us an individual and as humanity.