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All this which I tried to bring together in this website is simply a story of how my 'normal' agenda (consisting of a start in BSc in  environmental engineering) transformed to saving the environment (and the world) thoroughly with the help of developing new approaches and ultimately by upgrading whole of my agenda and all my passions into a solid form, in Renaissance 4.0, not only to inspire myself and continue, but also to inspire others, especially the youth, but definitely every single person. 

So, while a magic super formula is in the center of the whole vision, a fantastic brand new right to the point 'ism' will make the whole process and the complete scope sustainable, always renewable, always practical, which is going to keep the standards of the sustainability and the idealism always at its peak and practical for everyone.   

Simply to put, I think it would not be wrong to describe myself as a 'thinker, writer, doer'. And whatever happened

happened during when I was always trying to think, write, and do.


Kid's Drawing

It was my pleasure to meet you, and I would like to thank you for the great day you have spent it with us, although it was short, but was one of the nicest days we had in Ankara.
I am so proud to find a brilliant, educated, and smart young guy like you, because it is very hard in these days to find someone has your mentality, especialy amoung your generation.
I went to many countries, and I met all kind of people, but I have never seen a unique and promessing guy like you.
Dear Ozgur, I wish you a very successful life and career, and I am sure that you will get your target and will be a very bright business man.
hoping to see you soon.
sincerely yours…


Fire Performer

Kısaca Özgür Madak: EÄŸer sizin hayatınıza girmiÅŸse, o zaman biliniz ki hayatınıza girdiÄŸi saniyeden itibaren hayatınız deÄŸiÅŸir. Ben Özgür Abi’min askeriydim, onu tanıdığımdan dolayı çok ÅŸanslıyım. Bazen kendi ÅŸanslı hissettiÄŸim anlar olmuÅŸtur ya onu tanıdığımda kendimi ÅŸanslı hissettim.
Hayatında daima baÅŸarıya doÄŸru ilerleyeceÄŸine inanıyorum abicim, hırsın hep gözlerinden okunuyor. Bana ışık tuttuÄŸun için minnettarım, sana verdiÄŸim sözü biraz gecikmeli olsa da tuttum ve tutmaya da devam edeceÄŸim emin olabilirsin.
Seni tanıdığım için çok mutlu ve huzurluyum abicim. Allah’a emanet ol. Allah seni korusun.
Hayırlı teskereler. Şunun şurasından bir şey kalmamış sayılır.



Grafitti Man with Sunglasses

On behalf of The Friends of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, I cannot thank you enough for all of your help and efforts. I am so pleased to work with you with future projects. Any way I can help will be my pleasure.

Best regards,


Digital Mind

Sevgili Özgür,
Senin kadar özgür,çaÄŸdaÅŸ bir birey yetiÅŸtirip bize hediye ettiÄŸi için annene teÅŸekkür ediyorum. Onu yürekten kutluyorum. Mesajların kimligini oylesine net ortaya koyuyor ki, gençliÄŸe olan güvenimi sevgimi güçlendirdiÄŸin icin sana da teÅŸekkürler.
Yolun açık olsun


Communicator and facilitator looks good on you :)


Army service 


World Council of Peoples For the United Nations


American Business Forum on Europe


UNA USA United Nations Association of New York


Daughters of Atatürk I


Daughters of Atatürk
& Sons of Atatürk


New York Metropolitan Martin Luther King, Jr.
Center For Nonviolence


Airline Ambassadors


Permanent Mission of Turkiye to the United Nations


Consulate General of Republic of Turkiye in New York, Educational Attaché


New York Consul General of Republic of Turkiye


Daughters of Atatürk
Turkish Heritage Award


College Yearbook | Marmara University


Kuşadası Hotel Summer Work


High School Yearbook | Aydın Anatolian High School

Scope of the above preview follows below:

Skyline New York

Note about me by me...


I think I found myself in New York City, at least 'mostly', because I am still looking for it :D

New York City is the city which gave me a lot, one of a kind great people first of all, and made me me, at least tried hard for it.

Well I suppose I did my best to add a color to NYC as well, so maybe we can be counted as even... 


After Aydın, NYC is my #1... In fact I think they share the first place. Actually London is there, too, as it was my first abroad trip, upon my beloved British brother&sister's invitation, in 1996 when I was 21. The way my vision would advance, my outlook, how I would see, was first poked during London project, then it gained countless and priceless directions in New York where it  began to say "You can change the world!". { I may have brought a bit of a new approach to American dream you know :D } And it made its peak in Istanbul and during my travels:  Renaissance 4.0 


Every single detail, every tiny bit of 'how to change the world' is in Renaissance 4.0. It is time!


Anyways, Thank you Big Apple and every single fantastic temp or f/t NY'er! Some of whose, the most fantastic ones, paths crossed with mine, and all who is making New York New York; You are all awesome, You are making NY awesome. Continue just like that... You secured your place in my dash.

E+MODEL; The way you will CHANGE THE WORLD


BIZ2GETHER; The way you will  DO BUSINESS+


And many more!


All for a great common future!

And it's all about inspiring each other! All about activating your potential!

And all this,will just help us with +mode to make it to the start line. These are only exercise!



 rENAISSANCE 4.0 4maxımumwısdomfootprınt &mıncarbon 


© 2018-2023 Özgür Madak | All rights reserved.

Proudly created to share & inspire & activate | Contact | mehmetozgurmadak in btw old&new

... Aydın; place of birth and childhood  | Ä°stanbul; place of university illumination  

London; place of upgrade | New York; place of birth of the vision ...

~ Illumination; a continuous process. If you think about it, and act about it, and act with it;

it will be a more productive and easier process for all of us. ~ 

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