right to the point, right on time, in all directions

Global Vision Checkup
at its heart

"When they try to break your dream, come back with bigger realized."
OI will approach each word of the above expression from different angles. That's to say each word will be studied and can be replaced... Even the whole sentence can be transformed.

I know you just want to hit the buy button but wait! I will give you the books for free as a gift if you cover your whole network, or part of it, for the first and last of its kind yniversal Vision Checkup session! (Brand new agenda to cover all together, a ynique vision with action, 1 USD pp. So thus Star Sustainability Matrix will be activated, too, on the side.)
I mean if you say for example - Count me in! Let's do it! We need something new to study and talk about so I'll share the Star Agenda with all my friends!
You'll get 4 copies of The Vaccine (the wisdom workbook) and 1 Ozgurism book, for every 100 people you cover.
Or 1 workbook for 25; for a start.
Better 1 wisdom workbook + 1 Ozgurism book for 50? Sky is the limit. You determine the figures! The most the merriest!
2 workbook + 1 book for 75.
4 workbook + 1 book for 100.
PS: Feel free to ask your leads to reimburse you. Or charge them more, or you can as well sell the wisdom vaccines, too! This is the first wisdom vaccine in the shape of a workbook. Who, on Earth, would not want to have one?! Think free. Think creative. Do all the math you can. (You may prefer to get 2 workbook instead of one book, in the above options.)
Long story short; Vision Checkup session for 1 USD, Euro, Pound, YLE pp. - Your Local Exchange! Above numbers will gladly reconfigure. You have 3 options to choose from to come aboard:
1. Free
2. 1 YLE
3. You put the price tag. (It will still be 1 YLE pp, in line with the above figures.)
Specifics amount to infinite around here... Yet, we'll come to every bit of it.
2024| OI


23 Years long R&D&a [Apply]
Background (what you think+speak+write+do)
pinpoints foreground!
So background led the way to, Renaissance 4.0, simply to put,
which will lead us all to our common future...
I assure you have not seen such a theory with an action 'now' plan...
It is time now you must get involved!
The R&D (everything up until now) must be converted to A&D (Apply & Develop)
A sleek and user friendly design from A to Z.
Some more details are here.

In fact only some of them... Complete content and the full scope of activities with all details will be in the book ;-)
#CentralParkChildren'sFestivals #UnitedNationsYouthAssemblies #CareerDevelopmentDays #GlobalFestival #TraditionalPilavDays #LittleGrandBazaarInManhattan #CenterPointNowJournal #FairTrade #MilleniumDevelopmentGoals #NetworkingEvents #Fundraisers #RepublicDayDinners
# Get Involved You Can Change The World
2023| quıck glance at 2000-2023

100% Organic. Unlike ChatGPT.
At times, ChatOZ will serve as a guide, or a spokeperson, or a Yellowball Coach, too.

I always kept thinking and working, and writing on the side. I made it to Ozgurism as a result of simply doing what I've been doing as a result of having a norm free mindset but surrounded with 5B. I will be sharing the whole scope with you in the most productive way possible. You will be thinking and writing, too, during the process, and you will name the outcome (and/or the process) just as you wish. That's why it is Your New Ism, which is You Name It.
You are free!

Renaissance 4.0
The start line for change in the right direction | The ultimate visionary philosophy I came up with as a result of every single bit of thought, word, action of not only of me but of you all! Brand new agenda and culture for all, for our common future as humanity. You will digest it first completely, personalize the required sections, then hopefully we are going to upgrade to 5.0! Renaissance 4.0 is only a start, and the heart of the overall vision along with the Super Formula in the center.

2011| Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture
European Capital of Culture Istanbul, following the aftermath of the highly attractive whole year full of action in a wide spectrum, again took place in the new edition of this exclusive journal published in New York, and thus the whole scope of the events and activities within Istanbul2010 reached out to a very distinguished audience worldwide.
More details to follow...
2009| Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture
2010 European Capital of Culture Istanbul introduced itself to a select global audience by taking place in a very distinguished journal published in New York with worldwide distribution including all United Nations offices, agencies and major corporations.
Global Istanbul, went global!
More details to follow...

2008| recruıts wallpaper
Brochure and wall paper project for the new recruits in my squad during my 6 months military service in Isparta Southern Turkiye.
Young men from all corners of the country, either from rural areas who have left their home for the first time in their lives or from main cities come together and spend months for the service; a service time which also has to be a vision opening and capacity building and capacity enhancement period.
2007| my beloved
everyone's beloveD;
my dad;
mehmet madak
Grateful for all you've done
and the way you've always been..
Impossible to describe.
Rest in peace dad.
And I'm very sorry.

10'06| faır trade event by una-usa young professıonals for ınternatıonal cooperation
Fair Trade means better trade terms, and promoting fair and equitable distribution of benefits among value chain actors is essential.

09'06| Grand bazaar ıı ın manhattan
turkısh block @3rd avenue communıty benefıt festıval
Third Avenue Community Benefit Festival organized for the 31st time by Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. And of course Turkish Block II took its place!
Manhattan Ticaret Odası tarafından organize edilen 31. Üçüncü Cadde Festivalindeki Türk BloÄŸu: Ä°kinci kez organize edilmiÅŸ ve ileriki yıllarda da oluÅŸturulmaya devam edilecektir. Yeterli destek ve katılım saÄŸlandığı takdirde bir bloÄŸun iki tarafının da alınması ve caddenin üstünün kapatılarak festivale gelen binlerce katılımcının küçük bir Ä°stanbul Kapalı Çarşı atmosferinden geçmeleri saÄŸlanacaktır. Halkoyunlari, dans, ve müzik gösterileri, yemek ikramlari ile Türk BloÄŸu daha da zenginleÅŸtirilecektir. Bu ÅŸekilde New York’un kozmopolit nüfusu gerçek Kapalı Çarsı’yı kesfetmek üzere Ä°stanbul ve Türkiye’ye davet edilecek, festivale ve Manhattan Ticaret Odası’nın festivali düzenleme amacına anlamlı bir katkı saÄŸlanmış olacaktır. haber1, MCC arÅŸiv
09'06| walter veltronı
mayor of rome
Met with Mr Veltroni and expressed our acknowledgment towards his valuable and meaningful efforts
for placing a sculpture saying
"Peace at home, Peace in the World."
New York’ta olduÄŸunu öÄŸrendiÄŸimiz Roma Belediye BaÅŸkanı Walter Veltroni’ye, onur konuÄŸu olarak katıldığı bir programda, Roma’daki Avrupa Parkına Mustafa Kemal Atatürk anısına anıt yerleÅŸtirilmesinden ve bu süreçteki olumsuz baskılara boyun eÄŸmemesinden ötürü tebrik ve teÅŸekkürlerimizin iletilmesi. Anıt, üzerinde ‘Yurtta Barış, Dünyada Barış’ vecizesinin Italyancası ‘pace in patria, pace nel mondo’ ibaresi yer alan bir kitap seklinde. Anıtın heykeltraşı Luciano Massari , sanat yonetmeni Marco Rotelli. Bay Veltroni’ye Siz de tebrik ve teÅŸekkür mesajı gönderin, bunun için hiç bir zaman geç deÄŸil.

08'06| youth assembly at the unıted natıons
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation started an excellent job, and has been organizing the Assembly for 3 years with hundreds of youth participation from all over the world.
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation tarafından 3 yıldır organize edilmekte olan BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler Gençlik Asamblesi’ nde ilk yılından itibaren birlikte çalışılmakta ve ilgili organizasyon ile güzel bir iÅŸbirliÄŸi geliÅŸtirilmiÅŸ durumdadır. BM Daimi TemsilciliÄŸimiz, NY BaÅŸkonsolosluÄŸumuz, Sivil Toplum Örgütü ve özel sektör olarak her 4 kategoride sponsorlar arasında yer alan tek ülke Türkiye olmustur. Gençlik Asamblesi’nin Türkiye’de de yapılması konusunda ilgili kuruluÅŸ ile anlaşılmış, hazırlıklara baÅŸlanmıştır. Genç nesilleri bir araya getirmek dünya barışına uzun vadeli bir çözümdür – mesajımı içeren Associated Press haberine Athens News, ABC News, Guardian, The Boston Globe, KSL, Federal News Radio, Newsday, Examiner, WTOP News, Anchorage Daily News, AOL News, World Wire,,, Las Vegas Sun,, vb yayın organlarında yer verilmiÅŸtir.
07'06| fancy food show
at javıtts center
52nd Fancy Food Show organized by National Association for the Specialty Food Trade.
​ düzenlenen Fancy Food Show üç gün boyunca dünyanın her yerinden binlerce ziyaretçi çeken bir fuar. EÅŸlik ettiÄŸim bir firma ile yakından takip ettiÄŸim fuar süresince Türkiye’den katılan firma sayısını artırmak ve çeÅŸitli proje ve aktivitelerle zengin bir katılım sergileyerek Türkiye'ye ve katılımcı firma reyonlarına ilgiyi artırmak gerektiÄŸini gözlemledim. Buna yönelik çeÅŸitli proje fikirleri üzerinde çaliÅŸmaktayız.

05'06|global festıval by unausa young
professıonals for ınternatıonal cooperatıon
Partnered with UNA YPIC for the Global Festival which brought together a great programincluding a diverse and rich content that made the audience tired of applauding throughout the event.
The United Nations Association of New York’s Young Professionals for International Cooperation tarafından organize edilen Global Festival’ e destek saÄŸlandı. Programın açılış ve kapanışı Sinem, Opera Ikizleri ve Meral Güneyman tarafından yapıldı, çeÅŸitli Türk firmalarının ve restoranlarının programa dahil olması ve katkıda bulunmaları saÄŸlandı. ÇeÅŸitli etniklerden yaklaşık 250 misafirin katıldığı gecede Türk mutfağından çeÅŸitli tatlar ve fındık ikram edildi. Ä°lgili Mektup.
04'06| eurocırcle
turkısh nıght
Eurocircle members had a spectacular time during the event held at two separate floors in 2 big halls; One with a relatively slow atmosphere accompanied with live music from Sinem while the other one had disco action including dj music, tango show, belly dancer show, and more... Dining & shopping in the slow hall were also not forgotten!
EuroCircle üyeleri için organize edilen Türk Gecesi: EuroCircle dünya çapında kırk bin’den fazla üyesi olan ve her geçen gün büyüyen bir organizasyon. Düzenlenen gecede 300’e yakın yabancı misafir ağırlandı. EuroCircle websitesinin ana sayfasında yaklaşık iki ay boyunca Türk gecesi duyuruldu ve Türkiye ve Atatürk ile ilgili bilgiler ana sayfadan duyurularak dikkatler Türkiye’ye ve Türk Gecesine çekildi. Geceden bir hafta önce organize edilen ve yaklaşık 600 kiÅŸinin katıldığı Eastern Europen Night programında giriÅŸe CeÅŸme posteri asıldı, özel olarak hazırlanan Türkiye ve Türk Gecesi broÅŸürleri dağıtılarak Türk gecesi programı duyuruldu.haber1 Foto Galeri

04'06| tradıtıonal pılav day
mayor bloomberg's letter
I invited Mayor Bloomberg to our annual pilav day; He was unable to attend but sent a letter.
ITSS ve BaÅŸkonsolosluÄŸumuzun ortaklasa düzenlemekte olduÄŸu Geleneksel Pilav Günü’ne davet ettiÄŸim New York Belediye BaÅŸkanı Bloomberg’in gönderdiÄŸi mektup.
02'06| timucin sahin jazz at trump tower world bar
A group of special guests had chance to meet with Timucin Sahin who is recognized as one of today's truly unique voices of contemporary jazz.
12'05| fundraıser for dag hammarskjold plaza
The event which is organized at Trump Tower World Bar located facing Dag Hammarskjold Park attracted a very unique group of audience. Speeches addressing the history and the importance of the park, live music, raffle, and more completed the scope and the mission.
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza yararına Trump Tower World Bar’da düzenlenen gece: Her yıl New York’ta organize edilen Geleneksel Türk YürüyüÅŸlerinin sona erdiÄŸi ve çeÅŸitli konuÅŸma ve konserlerin gerçekleÅŸtirildiÄŸi Dag Hammarskjold Plaza yararına organize edilen geceye destek verildi, çeÅŸitli Türk firmalarının katılımı saÄŸlandi. Plaza çevresinde BM Daimi TemsilciliÄŸi, KonsolosluÄŸu, çeÅŸitli dernekleri yer alan Türk toplumu olarak, her sene Türk YürüyüÅŸü münasebetiyle de çokça istifade ettiÄŸimiz parkın geliÅŸtirilmesi ve bakım çaliÅŸmalarının devamını saÄŸlayıcı gayretlere destek olunmasi önemli.

10'05| October 29th annual republıc day
Just like it happens in October every year, friends and guests came together to celebrate the highly meaningful milestone event; The Foundation and Proclamation of the Republic after WW1 in Turkiye.
ITSS Cumhuriyet Bayramı Yemeği
10'05| dıstınguıshed scholar award presentatıon to
prof peter b golden
Ä°lk 'ITSS Distinguished Scholar Award'
Rutgers Üniversitesi’ nde Prof Peter B Golden’a
takdim edildi.

09'05| grand bazaar ı ın manhattan
turkısh block @3rd avenue communıty benefıt festıval
Third Avenue Community Benefit Festival organized for the 30th time by Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. And Turkish Block took its place for the first time in its history!
Manhattan Ticaret Odası tarafından organize edilen 30. Üçüncü Cadde Festivali’ nde ilk kez olusturulan Türk BloÄŸu.
08'05| youth assembly at the unıted natıons
2. B.M. Gençlik Asamblesi;
tesekkür mektubu, konferans programı,

Multi Media Artist and Choreographer Beliz Demircioglu's interactive installation was the first ever interactive art work that took place in the United Nations lobby. It took place among other photography works depicting stories of teen agers from a variety of countries.
The exhibition was organized around the scope of Millennium Development Goals and the opening was made by UN Secretary General Mr Kofi Annan and his wife Nane Annan on World Youth Day.

05'05| dynamıc ıtss float wıth lıve band and members on ıt
Türk Günü Yürüyüslerine personel desteÄŸi dahil her zaman güç ve katkı veren ITSS bu sefer aynı desteÄŸi vermeye devam etmekle kalmadı aynı zamanda her zamankinden daha dinamik bir formatla kortejdeki yerini alarak en aydın ve enerjik grup oldu.
05'05| turkısh festıval at the unıversıty of delaware
University of Delaware’de TSA tarafından organize edilen Türk Festivali’ne destek, katılım ve sergi açılması.

04'05| chıldren's day festıval ın central park
ITSS & TWLA iÅŸbirliÄŸi ile Central Park'ta düzenlenmeye baÅŸlanan 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı kutlamaları...
04'05| baklava-borek-tea party for the unıted natıons ngos
BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler'de faal Sivil Toplum Örgütleri için
çay-baklava-su böreÄŸi partisi

New York Türk Ev Tekstili Fuarı
Türk Amerikan Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasına Ä°talya’dan ilk üyenin kazandırılması...
ITSS meeting for this special occasion.

1st Annual International Communications Association Award for World Harmony
Maybe one day I will be one of the recipients ;-)
01'05| gulsın onay @columbıa unıversıty

12'04| mıssıon completed at the permanent mıssıon
All extra miles in all directions are covered:
Enhanced relations with UN NGOs
Delivered an address without premeditation to a full hall of active people from UN NGO ecosystem
Seminar on "How to pursue a career at the United Nations"
ITSS involvement in many functions and initiatives
Seminar on "From Independence War to War on Terrorism; Turkey in the Global Arena"
etc etc
12'04| annual pılav day
Tradition is on! Pilav Day of ITSS & NY Turkish Consulate...
12'04| meetıngs ın washıngton
Annual ATAA Conference
12'04| global tolerance award ceremony at the unıted natıons
By Airline Ambassadors International

12'04| teachers day conference by educational attache
11'04| young guru seminars natıonawide started ın nyc
Washington and other locations followed...
11'04| thanksgıvıng dınner
11'04| semınar wıth nasuh mahrukı
Professional mountain climber, writer, photographer and documentary film producer.
An all-round outdoor sportsman who climbed to the summit of Mount Everest and was the first ever Turkish person to climb the Seven Summits.

11'04| award by educatıonal attache
10'04| no excuse festıval
to promote
mıllenıum goals
Milenyum Kalkınma Hedeflerini tanıtma amacıyla Dag Hammarskjold Plaza’da düzenlenen ‘No Excuse’ festivaline standlı katılım.
10'04| republıc day dınner
10'04| young guru semınar ın new york
New York’ta (B.M. platformundan bazı STK üyelerinin katılımı ile) ve ardından Washington’da organize edilen
Genç Guru Akademi Seminerleri

09'04| 57th dpı/ngo conference at the unıted natıons
09'04| august 30th vıctory day celebratıon
Milestone victory post WW1 that secured the way towards foundation of the Republic of Turkiye.
New York’taki tek Zafer Bayramı kutlaması…
06'04| offıcıal foundatıon of ıtss completed
ITSS Intercollegiate Turkish Students Society (Üniversitelerarası Türk ÖÄŸrenci BirliÄŸi) resmi kuruluÅŸu tamamlandı.
(Kuruluş amacları bildirgesi/The purposes for which the corporation is formed.)
UN DPI ve ECOSOC üyesi olma yolunda önemli bir safha tamamlandı.
05'04| may 19th program
05'04| ıtss&ftaa turkısh youth symposıum
05'04| career development day
ITSS & Business Forum Annual Job Fair
Ä°ÅŸ bulamıyorsan Ä°ÅŸ kur! temalı ITSS & Business Forum Ä°ÅŸ Fuarı/Kariyer GeliÅŸtirme Günü

05'04| letter by consul general
05'04| semınar wıth author tuna köprülü
Guest speaker Mrs Tuna Köprülü, Journalist, White House Reporter and Monaco Honorary Consul
04'04| war on terrorısm semınar at penn state unıversıty
‘From Turkish Independence War to War on Terrorism: Turkey in the Global Arena’
konulu seminerler dizisinin ilki Penn State Üniversitesi’ nde gercekleÅŸtirildi.

02'04| tradıtıonal pılav day wıth the consulate

11'03| turkısh herıtage award
Proud recipient of the Turkısh Heritage Award from Daughters of Ataturk on the 65th Anniversary of His passing.
Atatürk’ün Kızları DerneÄŸi 2003 Türk Kültürel Mirası Ödülleri
It says:
Today is the 65th Anniversary of the passing away of our great leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Please take a moment in your busy schedules to remember him and how he shaped our world. He demanded much of all of us and he gave every bit as much back in leadership, encouragement, and foresight. When things were going poorly, his restless energies and suberp instincts rarely wavered. He transformed our lives with his courage, passion and commitment. Again and again, he asked himself and everyone around him: how can we make Turkey and Turks better, a peer among nations? Thanks to his leadership, his insight and his incredible drive and determination, he played a key role in shaping what makes us proud of Turkey, Turks, and Turkish-Americans today.
05'03| ıtss at the turkısh day parade
05'03| ıtss&busıness forum job faır &career development day
04'03| aprıl 23rd natıonal sovereıgnty and chıldrens day festıval
ın central park
ITSS & ATKB iÅŸbirliÄŸi ile geleneksel Central Park 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı Programı

02'03| fundraıser for denızli kayhan hıgh school
ITSS & Rotaract at the UN iÅŸbirliÄŸinde,
Denizli Kayhan 75.Yıl Lisesi Bilgisayar Laboratuarı yararına düzenlenen gece.
Nerede olursak olalım Anadolu çocuklarına dokunalım!
11'02| ataturk documentary screenıng
New York St Marx Cafe’de çoÄŸunluÄŸu yabancı misafirlerin ağırlandığı Atatürk belgeseli gösterimi…
06'02| semınar on gıs
GIS sektörünün lideri ESRI firması ile GIS semineri
05'02| career development day and faırwell cocktaıl for consul general
ITSS & Business Forum Ä°ÅŸ Fuarı/Kariyer GeliÅŸtirme Günü, BaÅŸkonsolos Mehmet Ezen için veda resepsiyonu
04'02| aprıl 23rd chıldrens day festival
ın central park
ITSS & ATKB iÅŸbirliÄŸi ile geleneksel Central Park 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı Programı
02'02 | new management dınner wıth members and derya köroglu
New York'ta bulunan Derya KöroÄŸlu’nun katılımıyla ITSS yeni yönetim kurulu üyelerle tanışma yemeÄŸi
11'01| annual pılav day
ITSS & New York BaÅŸkonsolosluÄŸu Pilav günü
10'01| october 29th republıc day program at new york unıversıty
New York Üniversitesi’nde Cumhuriyet Bayramı Programı
05'01| world turkısh youth congress
ITSS & FTAA Dünya Türk Gençlik Kurultayı
05'01| commemoratıon at hartford unıversıty; ww2 era dıplomat selahattın ulkumen
Hartford Üniversitesi’nde Selahattin Ülkümen’i anma programına katılım
Selahattin Ülkümen was the Turkish consul-general on the island of Rhodes which was under German occupation. In late July 1944, the Germans began the deportation of the island’s 1,700 Jews. Ülkümen managed to save approximately 50 Jews, 13 of them Turkish citizens, the rest with some Turkish connection. In protecting those who were not Turkish citizens, he clearly acted on his own initiative. In one case, survivor Albert Franko was on a transport to Auschwitz from Piraeus.
Whilst still in Greek territory, he was taken off the train thanks to the intervention of Ulkumen, who was informed that Franko’s wife was a Turkish citizen. Another survivor, Matilda Toriel relates that she was a Turkish citizen living in Rhodes and married to an Italian citizen. On July 18, 1944, all the Jews were told to appear at Gestapo headquarters the following day. As she prepared to enter the building, Ülkümen approached her and told her not to go in. It was the first time she had ever met him. He told her to wait until he had managed to release her husband. As her husband later told her, Ülkümen requested that the Germans release the Turkish citizens and their families, who numbered only 15 at the time. However, Ülkümen added another 25-30 people to the list whom he knew had allowed their citizenship to lapse. The Gestapo, suspecting him, demanded to see their papers, which they did not have. Ulkumen however returned to the Gestapo building, insisting that according to Turkish law, spouses of Turkish citizens were considered to be citizens themselves, and demanded their release. Matilda later discovered that no such law existed, and that Ülkümen had simply fabricated it in order to save the Jews. In the end, all those on Ülkümen’s list were released. All the rest of the Jews on the island, some 1,700, were deported to Auschwitz.
04'01| job faır
ITSS & Business Forum İş Fuarı
03'01| whırlıng dervıshes
ın new york
Semazenlerimiz New York’un en prestijli salonlarından Florence Gould Hall’da!
02'01| pılav day
ITSS & New York BaÅŸkonsolosluÄŸu
Pilav Günü programı
11'00| open house meetıng wıth consulate offıcıals
New York Türkevi’nde Konsolos, Atase ve diplomatlarımızı Türk gençleri ve toplumuyla tanıstırma toplantısı türünün ilk örnegi olarak tarihe geçti... Kimse gelmez diyerek 3 5 sandalye konarak hazırlanan salon doldu taÅŸtı.
11'00| semınar wıth guest speaker mıthat bereket
Mithat Bereket ile söyleÅŸi
10'00| october 29th republıc day program at columbıa unıversıty
Columbia Üniversitesi’nde ITSS Cumhuriyet Bayramı Programı
11'00| semınar on wall street
New York Türkevi’nde Wall Street Paneli
PS |Türkçe
Above most, I mean the relevant items, are various projects in which I was involved mostly playing active roles providing important support, sometimes -most of the time- the kind of leadership leading the projects to successful outcomes. The main reason I am sharing all these with you is just to make them an example for you to initiate/sustain similar activities where you live, let it be your very close neighborhood and community or your town where you live. Most probably you won’t need to initiate anything as because probably there is something going on already, so start with getting involved and assuming responsibilities in what is active already. At the same time ask yourself what is missing – what else should be done – what in fact should be done according to you – when you can begin to work on it. Ask all these questions, and don’t expect others to answer; Answer yourself! And make sure your answer to ‘when’ is ‘right now’!
I very well know that the obstacles -they seem like obstacles which are told as such by the community or various other stupid factors to your subconscious, and which you can in fact override!- are far too many; however you must trust in YOUR BRAIN AND YOUR SOUL first, then your courage, passion, determination, motivation, stubbornness, enthusiasm and friends! YOU will help you prevail!
You must be the change you wish to see in the world – as Gandhi said…You have all the tools you need to do so; you have YOURSELF! Don’t let ‘conditions’ buy you out! Think/observe and start the action!
In my specific case, there was one goal i always pretty much tried to carry on with myself, and that was to represent the values (social, humanitarian, universal) I believe in at maximum in the best way I can and to strengthen them…One of those values, probably the base value, was being from my country which was established in 1923 after a series of great work done by extremely devoted people of Turkiye under some very hard conditions during World War I but under the leadership of fantastic Mustafa Kemal. So with everything I think, say and act I always believed I had to be in full consistence to show that I deserved not only those dedications but also the whole of the unique one great heritage created by one single humanity!
Mustafa Kemal, the devoted people of Turkiye, gave me the prize -freedom, existence, a marvellous role model Republic- before I did something to deserve it… All former civilizations left us great thoughts and treasuries on which we established our existence and our advancement. So, it was (it is always) time to show I, and we all, deserved it! I tried to do a lot, and I will continue to do so, for the humanity worldwide and the future generations. Global citizens we are, and one we are! Whatever I think or I speak or I do within this context, they all serve to the whole humanity, not just to one specific group or entity.
Do not let conditions to deviate you from being YOU; YOU divert the conditions to be YOU! IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU YOU AND YOU ONLY! AND THEN OF COURSE BECOMING WE!
I’d say ‘Good Luck’ with your initiatives, however, if you are stubborn and work with continuous motivation and learn to motivate yourself from millions of demotivating factors, luck will seek an opportunity to catch you and it will make it only if you want it! But you have to act first – not the luck. Luck doesn’t just show up, it comes if you prepare the conditions for it.
And always remember, we are all one – we are all proud citizens of the nation called humanity…So, it is not about being whatever country you are from but it is all about being a global citizen with a mindset having a goodwill brain and soul, and saying ‘humanity first!’.
Söz konusu çalışmalarda ÅŸahsi öncülüÄŸüm ve idarem ya da sevindirici sonuçlar elde edilmesinde etkili katkılarım söz konusudur. Bunları sizlerle paylaÅŸmak istememdeki amacım, sizlerin de bulunduÄŸunuz coÄŸrafyalarda benzer çalışmalara giriÅŸirken kendinize ‘neden olmasın’ diye sorarak aksiyona giriÅŸmeniz, veya giriÅŸilmesini teÅŸvik etmeniz için ufak birer örnek teÅŸkil etmelerini istememdir. Engel çok, ama, cesaretiniz, arzunuz, iÅŸ bitiriciliÄŸiniz, ve heyecanınız daha çok deÄŸil mi? Haydi iÅŸ başına, ÅŸimdi! Unutmayın, büyük ödülü ‘kılımızı bile kıpırdatmadan, hiç bir ÅŸey yapmadan’ çoktan aldık, 1923’te, onu hakettiÄŸimizi gösterelim…
Öncelikle yapmanız gereken size gösterilen ve söylenilenin dışına çıkmak, beyninize ve ruhunuza normal olanın o olduÄŸu ÅŸeklinde kodladığınız o etrafta gördüÄŸünüz ve duyduÄŸunuza takılıp kalmamak, bu ÅŸekilde potansiyelinizi tam doÄŸru algılayamadığınız ve size sorulmadan sizin dışınızda tanımlanan ‘normal’ sınırlar içerisinde tutarak hem potansiyelinize, hem kendinize, hem toplumunuza, hem ülkenize, hem insanlığa ve ortak geleceÄŸimize yazık etmemek!
Farklı düÅŸün + farklı konuÅŸ + farklı davran + farklı yap + normal olma!
Öyle düÅŸünme – Öyle konuÅŸma – Öyle yapma denileni öyle düÅŸün, öyle konuÅŸ, öyle yap!
E+MODEL; The way you will CHANGE THE WORLD
BIZ2GETHER; The way you will DO BUSINESS+
And many more!
All for a great common future!
And it's all about inspiring each other! All about activating your potential!
And all this,will just help us with +mode to make it to the start line. These are only exercise!
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... Aydın; place of birth and childhood | İstanbul; place of university illumination
London; place of upgrade | New York; place of birth of the vision ...
~ Illumination; a continuous process. If you think about it, and act about it, and act with it;
it will be a more productive and easier process for all of us. ~