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If he wasn't there, I wouldn't be here. He is in every inch of my vision;

A vision which only serves the humanity. Ozgur Madak


Ps: I believe although The Grand National Assembly at the time gave him the surname 'Atatürk' , we all have to think of a second last name which reveals the fact that his ideals and the vision he had were just right to the point and all valid for the overall betterment of the humanity and the modern civilization. His idealist character led him create a brand new and forward looking identity; If he had lived longer he would have continued to inspire the whole world especially those who have been most suffering just as he did during his lifetime. 


Atatürk Centennial is declared in 1981 by United Nations and UNESCO

Atatürk is the only person to receive such recognition by UNESCO.


The centennial of Atatürk's birth was honored by the United Nations and UNESCO by declaring it The Atatürk Year in the World and adopting the Resolution on the Atatürk Centennial as follows:


“The General Conference,

Convinced that eminent personalities who worked for international understanding, co-operation, and peace, should serve as an example for future generations,


Recalling that the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Mustafa Kemal Atatûrk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, will be celebrated in 1981,


Bearing in mind that he was an exceptional reformer in all the fields coming within Unesco’s competence,


Recognizing in particular that he was the leader of one of the earliest struggles against colonialism and imperialism,


Recalling that he set an outstanding example in promoting the spirit of mutual understanding between peoples and lasting peace between the nations of the world, having advocated all his life the advent of ‘an age of harmony and co-operation in which no distinction would be made between men on account of colour, religion or race’,


1. Decides that Unesco shall co-operate on the intellectual and technical planes with the Turkish Government for the organization in 1980, at that Government’s financial expense, of an international symposium designed to bring out various aspects of the personality and work of Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, whose action was always directed towards the promotion of peace, international understanding and respect for human rights;


2. Requests the Director-General to take the necessary steps for the implementation of this resolution.

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We were at home in Rome, listening to the radio. You cannot imagine what happened to us when we heard the bad news. It was as if we had been shot through our hearts. We mourned even more with the information we read from the newspapers. I said, “You stay here my children. I will go there and personally express my emotions for this big loss in his spiritual presence.”


I came to Ä°stanbul for this purpose. I would not have been able to stand being apart from him forever, if I had not come here and cry in front of this great man. I came to Ä°stanbul to express my respect for him. As soon as arrived, I went to the palace. I stopped in front of the coffin of my great friend, I bowed and I cried.


My sorrow is no less than the Turkish Nation’s. I offer my condolences to the Turkish Nation through you.

Emanullah Khan

Former King of Afghanistan


The loss of Great Atatürk has left us with great sorrow and pain and it is not possible for me to express my feelings in words. Because, Atatürk was not only the Ata (Ancestor) for Turkey, but for the Eastern World as well.

Not only the King and the government, but the Nation of Afghanistan share your deep sorrow. In order to express our sorrow, we will keep the Afghan flag half-mast along with the Turkish flag. We have instructed all our embassies accordingly.

Altes Veli Khan
Uncle of the Afghan King


“He was a great leader, not only for Turkey, but for all eastern nations as well.”

Emanullah Khan
King of Afghanistan



Atatürk is the most distinctive personality of this century. With his voice, he has given life to the ideal that philosophers have given various meanings and poets have described with the most beautiful and most distinguished words. He has transformed words to practice and it is he is who created the language of this great practice.

Demokratia Newspaper


All Turkey mourns. Because the distinguished leader, the creator of new Turkey has passed away.

Atatürk has changed the face of his country in a short while and has managed to make a modern state out of old Turkey. The Turkish Nation owe him whatever they have. The Albanian Nation shares the great pain that Turkish Nation feels because of this great loss.

Stipsi Newspaper



The grand resolve that has passed from Atatürk to his Nation with the revolutions he has carried out has shown the development and accomplishment to continue for a long time in a couple of years.

Norbert Von BISCHOFF


He was a man of great thoughts … a state architect.

Neue Freie Presse, Vienna


You cannot feel irritation in his movements. The irritated show regularity and lack of harmony in their movements. However, Atatürk’s movements are direct, obvious and sane. He moves in consciousness. After talking to him, I remembered a couple of lines from “Sâdi” that I heard from a friend. It was:

“If a man knows something and if he is aware of his knowledge, he can make the horse of his honour leap to the dome of universe.”

KRIPPEL, Austrian Sculptor



Atatürk’s death is a great loss not only for Turkey but also for the whole world. Former Belgian Ambassador to Ankara


Atatürk was the greatest symbol of capability and talent. He is the man who created the greatest reality of the 20th Century. Kopenhag-Nasyonal Tidende


In Ankara, I would look at the sun. However, I wouldn’t see the sun in the horizon but I would see it in Çankaya. Sincerely, I believed that the real sun was the one at Çankaya.

The loss of Atatürk is a cause of great sorrow throughout the world. The King of Belgium, who always admired his high creativity and determined character, has sent me to this burrial ceremony to express his feelings.

Belgiums mourns with you sincerely. The ceremony held at the National Assembly is a proof of it. De RAYMOND, Former Belgian Ambassador to Ankara


Mustafa Kemal has achieved an extraordinary development for his country while everyone believed everything lost. Henri LIEBRECHT


Turkey’s international reputation, prestige and authority has risen to its peak.

The only statesman to serve his country this efficiently in such a short period is Atatürk. Libre Belgique Newspaper


A leader that devoted his reformist ambition to his nation. Camille Huysmans, President of the Belgian National Assembly



The most distinctive figure of post War Europe is lost. The great soldier, brave reformist and exceptional statesman that proudly bore the name “Atatürk”(Father of the Turks) is no longer with us. The history of new Turkey cannot be remembered without mentioning his name in the last 15 years. He has managed to appear on the political scene and produce trust in a national future in the most dangerous phase of the Ottoman Empire. The State had to go on, however The Turkish Nation was defeated and was in a desperate situation. His mission was not easy. After a long and difficult time of war, two thirds of his country was invaded by enemies and he was forced to fight on two fronts; With the enemy and the Sultan…


Atatürk has been a good example and lead the way to bring forth many energetic and loyal statesmen, soldiers, leaders and scientists.


We hope the Turkish Nation will bear this great loss and we hope her loyal friends will cope with the difficulties expected to rise after the loss of such a great statesman.

Bulgarian Ambassador to Ankara


No country in the world has achieved developments this energetically, this fast and this radically as Atatürk’s new Turkey.

Bulgarian Dness Newspaper


No country in the world has witnessed such a development this fast and this efficiently achieved as by Atatürk of new Turkey. He is known everywhere as a great soldier, an exceptional reformist and the deliverer of his country. Such personalities can only be seen once in a century. The history of today’s Turkey is the history of this exceptional man.

Dness Newspaper


The great name of Atatürk will remain on the rocks of Ankara as an unforgetable memory of the past. On this piece of land next to us, lived a great and very powerful man. To rid the land of the enemy invasion like a thunderstorm, to abolish peace treaties with a sword flick, to demolish the Caliph’s throne and efficiency of hundreds of years like a fist, to reorganize the country, to awaken the national ambitions of the desperate people, to create a modern and civilized state… These are the miracles that have been realised by Kemal Atatürk right in front of our eyes.


Like Gladston, we have the right to say:

“The world is not as interesting as it used to be, after the death of this exceptional man.”


This is Atatürk; the ancestor of his nation. A man of sword, ideas, heart and determination. The great son of this nation is also the greatest commerade of the 20th Century.



Mustafa Kemal has been the one to take away the knife from the merciless surgeons while they were cutting the Ottoman Empire into pieces. He has activated national energy and has given life to national will. He abandoned the government center that was out of control and that had no power to resist and passed to Anatolia where he began a search for the vital forces of his nation and the weaponry that he was later to use in Sakarya. Yet, the victory of the weapon was not enough. He wanted to save Turkey. He wanted to see his country developed and prosrerous. He wanted to evaluate the cultural standing of his country. He was the symbol of bravery and humanity for his nation. He started a reformist action that was as remarkable as his values. The National War of Social Reforms… The most successful and great reform was this one that had been going on for 15 years.



We are going to bow in front of the great man, the high commander, exceptional reformist and statesman, that I know as your Great Chief. The death of Atatürk has aroused great sorrow in Bulgaria, as in many other parts of the world. There is no doubt that the world has lost an individual whose place cannot be filled easily.




On November the 10th, the 25th death anniversary of Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish Republic will pay its respect in front of its founder’s and first president’s immortal presence. In the name of the Canadian government, I would like to state that we also respect this great statesman and wish the best for the future of the Turkish Republic.
Lester B. Pearson



Mustafa Kemal is the heart of the new Turkey. He has managed to create a brand new and strong nation out of an old and deformed society. He enjoyed the respect of everyone and was admired for his energy.

Ma Shao-Cheng, Chineese Author


I would like to express my feelings of admiration to the Great Turkish Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of Turkish Republic for his struggle and success in bringing freedom and democracy to his country on his 25th death anniversary. His life and deeds will continue to be a source of inspiration not only for Turkey but for the whole world.

Çang Kay ÅžEK


All Chinese people share your sorrow. Because, the death of this Great Leader of the Turks has left alone not only Turkey, but our continent and the whole world.

Chineese Press


Atatürk is the Ata (Ancestor) of the entire continent of Asia.



The man who inspired the new Turkey, Atatürk, has been lost. We envy the Turks because they had such an exceptional leader. Because, we too, are in a position similar to Turkey, in which Atatürk took his part and played his role. Atatürk has created a state on the basis of the English Parliamentary model and has transformed it into a strong industrial country. In brief, Atatürk is the creator of modern Turkey. Turkey appears to be a miracle in the muslim world. Turkey will be grateful forever to Atatürk.

ÇeÅŸka Slova Newspaper


Atatürk has left a state that is sure of its future.



Atatürk has left behind a national state that has no fear of its future.

Bohemia Newspaper



Atatürk has passed away on duty while in the prime of life. However, his remains will take their place on the pages of history as the legend of bravery. He has created his masterpiece as a warrior and a statesman. Unlike most leaders keeping their ruling positions by sword, he has put away his sword after he won the victory. One should clearly understand his deeds: A demolished state, a corrupt army, a desperate nation without hope!

Yet, after defeating all armies opposing him, Atatürk has dictated the national Turkish State to those he defeated at Lausanne in 1923. Atatürk had realised the fact that he had much more important missions after he had defined the borders of his state. He has left behind a westernized modern state.

The understanding of wearing a hat and leaving behind the Arabic alphabet to use the new Turkish alphabet, for which he has personally teached, may be seen as ordinary things. However, these are the most important features of the new state’s policy of peace compared to the former warrior spirit of the Turks. Atatürk has solved the problems of Montreaux and Hatay, entered on an energetic reformist action, created industry and railroads.

Berlinske Tidence Newspaper


The leader of Turkey, Atatürk, has accomplished the unexpected and created a strong country out of Turkey, known as the “Sick Man”.

Social Demokraten Newspaper


Atatürk was the gigantic symbol of personality and talent. He was the man who created the most extraordinary occasion of the twentieth century. He transformed the semi eastern, Caliph oriented, religion powered nation into a modern, secular and national state. This meant leaving oriental and spiritual symbolic roots behind to achieve radical developments.

Atatürk’s foreign policy will remain as an example in history. He made friendly aggreements to sort out foreign debts, reconstructed the channel’s matters and solved Hatay problem without entering a war.

Within many reformist movements, Atatürk has gained a new standard of life to the Workers and has left behind a strong Turkey that will always follow his footsteps.

National Tidende Newspaper


Atatürk’s masterpiece will remain in history forever.



The man who created the most glamorous occasion of the twentieth century.

National Tidence Newspaper



One of the most distinguished personalities of his age, perhaphs all history.

Egyptian Newspaper, Cairo


“The man who saved Turkey from slavery, the man who lit the fire of freedom, the man who took his nation to independence in the battlefields has died … The man who tore the enslaving agreements, the man who did not recognize what other countries decided, the man who forced other nations to respect his nation, the man who elevated his nation to desert of that reputation, the man who made all others respect his nation has died.”



“Atatürk has died. He was the Father of his nation and one of the greatest men of the recent centuries.”
“Mustafa Kemal has seen the reflections of the things he established. He has completed his mission. He has left this world successful and victorious.”

Elahram Newspaper


The Turks love Atatürk with an extraordinary passion. On a train trip to Bursa, I asked a small boy which of the two cities he liked best, Ä°stanbul or Ankara. The boy answered, Ankara. When I asked him the reason, he said: “Atatürk is in Ankara.”

El Bela Newspaper


The man who accepted the nation as his life, who obeyed every order, who never turned his back to it, who made great reforms, who led his nation to development has died. The man who tore the enslaving agreements, the man who did not recognize what other countries decided, the man who forced other nations to respect his nation, the man who elevated his nation to desert of that reputation, the man who made all others respect his nation has died.”

Elahram Newspaper



Turkey would never be a great state without Atatürk.


Atatürk was an extraordinary statesman, he was one of the most important personalities of post-war world history. If it weren’t for him, Turkey wouldn’t exist.

Hufvud Stadbladet Newspaper


The death of Great Atatürk has made Finland sorry. The Finnish people, who observe the Turkish Reforms closely, share the sorrow of the great Turkish Nation, whom they see as a brother nation coming from the same race.

Onni TALAS, President of the Finnish Committee



I would like to express the feelings of loyal friendship of the French Nation to the Turkish Nation on the 25th Anniversary of the death of Great Atatürk. Today, Turkish history is linked to the Western and European history. The efforts of Atatürk have made this possible. The friendship of our countries for centuries is one of the basic characteristics of this improvement.

Charles De GAULLE


Atatürk is a good man with a good heart. The Turkish Nation sees itself in his personality.

One can easily see the characteristics of humanity in him.

Nouvelle Newspaper


If he has won the war and he is more to win, he will also make peace. Believe my words and let me tell you that he will succeed. He will do good and perfectly so, he will achieve a great success that no-one has ever achieved.

Claude FARRERE, French Author


Atatürk’s distinctive creativity appears when he proceeds his energetic work with delicacy even after the danger is far removed. He manages to give an irresistable attraction to every move he makes. It is impossible to explain this with logic. This is his personal talent.

Maurice Pernot, French Journalist


One of the most exceptional events of this era is the establishment of a national Turkish State while the Ottoman Empire disappears like a ghost. Mustafa Kemal has done something great. The victory of Turkish nationalism has effected Asia and Kemalism has influenced all countries fighting for freedom.

Maurice BAUMANT, French Professor


He was a great man … He was a political genius.

Excelsior Newspaper


One day he told me that there are small nations depending on very strong countries. He said that the future belongs to those small nations rather than the strong countries. I kept his words in mind. Because, these words reflect the deep meaning of the success of Atatürk, who was known as the most dependable, alert and clever man of the near East before his death.

A French Journalist


At this moment, I share the deep sorrow of Turkey because of the loss of the great nationalist and great statesman who devoted all his life to the freedom of his country. His mission, both within blood and peace, will pass to all nations that are in sincere relation with the Turkish Nation. The French Nation feels sorrow for this loss that the Turkish Republic faces today.

Alber LEBRUN, French President


Kemal Atatürk is an idealist. The reason he has managed to do great things is, he has always kept principles and has managed to limit his passion.

Åžarl De Åžambron, French Diplomat


He was one of the greatest men of the era.

Le Jour-Echo de Paris


The Turks, known as the most

loyal nation, will never forget that Atatürk was the deliverer of his country.

Noell Roger, French Newspaper


The great man that stood in front of me was some mysterious talent and character that I had explored, there was no doubt in his words.

Claude Farrer, French Author


Old Turkey had been under domain for centuries, yet, it awakened with his efforts and glamoured with his reforms.

Jean Laubespin, French Journalist


Turks of today have reached their position that had frightened Europe centuries ago. The Turkey that waits in silence with his death is a strong and ripened Turkey.

Pierre Dominique, French Journalist


The man beyond centuries!…

Paris, French Press


He had sharp looks that sparkled suddenly. His strong character and his speed of understanding shows itself in the movement of his hands. The bright tone of his voice shone like the steel.

Mustafa Kemal is really a young, neat man believing that was born to rule his nation.

Mme. B. G. Gualis, French Journalist


The masterpiece he has created in wisdom and peace will leave its trace in the histories of the peoples.

Albert LEBRUN, French President


He has won all the ranks of a country in which he has abolished every rank. The most honourable name that could ever be given to someone in his country was given to him.

Mercel Sauvage, French Journalist


Kemalism invented the fast path to development and has proved that even with one generation of disciplinary education, a great populist civilization can be developed.This can be proposed to mankind as an experimental example of philosophy. Kemalism has terminated things that could normally be achieved only in centuries.

Gerrard Tongas, French Author


Atatürk has died. The east column of the peace temple went down. No one can guarantee peace in the universe anymore. The European statesmen did not listen to his warnings and advice in 1930 and lead the world to disaster in the second great war in 1939.

SANERWIN, French Newspaper


He had closed his steel blue eyes to the beautiful light of nature, he was supernatural. Figaro, Paris Atatürk has managed to create the miracle to immortalize a nation in a couple of years.

Le Temps, Paris


The answer the French Prime Minister gave to those who said “He stabbed us from the back, he agreed with the bandits of the mountains, he agreed with those like Mustafa Kemal” after the Ankara Treaty:

“If that brave man Mustafa Kemal and his brave soldiers were here, instead of naming them the bandits of the mountains, we would put statues of them in every square. I am proud to sign such a brave agreement.” (1921)

BRIAND, French Prime Minister


We have seen the blessings and success of the democracy spirit only with Atatürk. France

He was a revolutionary and a rebel at first, then he became “the father of the Turks” as a victorious commander and created the New Turkey. He cast out the Sultans, gave freedom to women and realised a radical reform in his country.

From Paris-Soir


Just a glance from the Father of the Turks will be enough to his loyal nation.

Noelle Roger, French Newspaper


It can clearly be said that the world of Islam was to wait for at least another fifty years.

Berthe Georges-Gaulis

Thousands of Arabs that gathered in Jerusalem are shouting “Long Live Mustafa Kemal Pasha” to the heavens bravely although there are machine guns located at minarets and towers and there are English soldiers in armed vehicles surrounding them.

Pierre Benoit


Mustafa Kemal walked a few steps. The commander of the 19th Division stayed put for about a minute between the two armies. Then, slowly he began raising his right arm and walked towards the enemy front.

The Turkish Infantry leaped out of their positions shouting “Allah, Allah”. They managed to defeat two English Battalions. North Lancashire Battalion was in a shock and was forced to retreat. Wiltshire Battalion died under bayonets. The Turks came down the slope in an irresistable attack. They threw the enemy, including the New Zeland soldiers, to the sea.

Benoist-Mechin, French Statesman


Young Turkey has accompanied Europe with her interest in and attention to science.

There is not one thing missing to force us to salute him in the name of civilization.

Edouard HERRIO, Former French Prime Minister


You can not appreciate him enough. You can not value his greatness. He resembles a giant mountain. Those living next to it can not realise how great it is. One has to look at it from a far distance inorder to understand its greatness.

Klod FARER, French Author


This revolution belongs to Mustafa Kemal, an extraordinary distinctive man. I have lived around him for five years and had the chance to gain his friendship. I used to notice that Atatürk was sometimes happy, talkative, anxious and always far from desires and assumptions… When I got in, he was on foot. He wore a nice suit. I talked. When he realised that I had memorized the things I was saying, he left the paper he was holding and answered me in Turkish instantly. His personality was attractive, like magic. He used to gaze far away and the moment they were locked on you, his eyes would calm down. He was blond, his hair framed a determined forehead. He had a strong, muscular body that resisted the heat of the deserts and the glaciers of the high mountains. He had broad shoulders that could carry all sorts of responsibilities. He was born to accept victory.

Ch. De CHAMBRUN, Former French Ambassador to Ankara


Whenever we read about the life of an important diplomat or a great commander in history, we take pleasure of imagining his face, words or his impressions and we say, “How I wish I knew him”.

There is no doubt that our children will think alike when they learn about the exciting life of the great soldier and revolutionist Kemal Atatürk who directed the future of today’s Turkey. He had stayed in dungeons for weeks because he was a reformist. He won the freedom of his country while he was the commander. He decided for the Republic and constructed its establishments while he was the State President. His life is exciting for sure. … However, I would like to remind an important issue concerning Kemal Atatürk’s personality. He was telling us about the war. All of a sudden he stopped and said:

– As you see I have lots of victories. Still, I feel the pain and sorrow for the soldiers who died on the battlefield every night. Because of the heart he has, apart from his courage and sharp mind, the miracle he has created for his country is never surprising.

George BENNES, Paris Vu Newspaper, 1938


High personalities of the era had announced in their books and at conferences that Turkey would never have the chance to transform and that it would die. However, it transformed and didn’t die. And it changed completely. Beliefs, traditions and styles went down. The last traces of them were thrown out of the country just like the enemy battleships and their capitulations. Turkey had changed her spirit. Completely and as far as one can imagine…

How did this happen?

Simply, a man passed by. A man of middle height, walking ordinarily, yet, with sharp eyes with sharp looks.

His name was Mustafa Kemal.

Raymond CARTIER, Le Nouvelliste Newspaper, Paris, 1938



He was not a simple dictator aspiring to personal fame and fortune, he was a hero who tried to maintain a strong base for coming generations.

Prof. Walter L. WRIHT Jr.


On 10th November, all the world remembers the life and deeds of a human being, whom Germany is bound to in friendship, respect and appreciation. As a soldier, Atatürk Victoriously succeeded in an enormous and sometimes desperate battle and then he took the responsibility of the State. The declaration of the Turkish Republic on 29th October 1923 is the result of his genius in diplomacy. Some traditions and customs of the past that opposed the democratic development of the Turkish State needed to be altered and demolished. He had brave and corageous ideals and he began realising them with great creativity. Atatürk has created a strong, traditional and a sincere relationship with the Germans depending on trust.

(Chancellor of West Germany)


Atatürk has passed away leaving Turkey with no enemies. This is something no leader has been able to do.

German Völkischer Beobachter Newspaper


The life of the Great Deliverer Atatürk that Turkey respects without limit, can never be understood and appreciated any better than in Germany. Because Germany has tread the same path. The peace agreement forced on Turkey took take away the vital parts of territory. However, the national hero Atatürk managed to save his country and put through a nationalistic vision. He chose to fight for independence when he saw that it was not possible to save the country with interviews and Geneva methods. Only a will as strong as steel and immense power could have succded at that stage. His deeds at home inside are none the less appreciatable. Germany adores Atatürk’s example and struggle. Germany sees a great personality in him that should be a symbol for all countries that respect freedom.

Berlin, German News Agency


Those who desire to recreate peace in a world that suffers in pain and those who long to achieve wisdom as well as material development should be inspired by Atatürk’s directives and power.

Professor Herbert MELZIG, German Historian


Today, Kemal Atatürk may look at what he has created and regard himself as successful. Because Atatürk, apart from everything else, has brought a happiness to the Turkish Nation that it had never been experienced before.

Carel Sautman, German Journalist


Mr. Mustafa Kemal was a born leader that never feared responsibility. On the morning of 25th April, he decided to attack the enemy with his 19th Division. He took his men ashore and, incredibly, resisted the attacks for three months. I will always depend on his determination.

Liman Von SANDERS, German General


His historical greatness can be understood by looking at the new Turkey. This great statesman and leader of the people has given a spirit even to the villages far away in the Anatolian mountains with his determination as strong as steel and his vision.

German Magazine, Illustrierte


A great soldier, a genius statesman and a historical personality has been lost.

(Hitler’s message to Ä°nönü)


If todays Turkey has gone further compared to any country of Europe after the World War, one should find the reasons in the personality of the genius President of the new Republic.

Hans Froembgen, German Author


Atatürk is not only the creator of a new Turkey, but also the teacher and the instructor of his nation. Atatürk will always have a special place among the war leaders of the world that change their nations with their strong personality. He has been the creator and the founder of a new Turkey. This is the man who established the new face of near East.

Germania, German Newspaper


The East faces a new page of history written by Kemal Atatürk. History tells us how the (Barbarian) Turks spread out from the plateau of the Altaic Mountains to the east and to the west to demolish nations and their cultures. In the Bible and in the Middle Age sources, Turks (Gogve Magog) have been described as extraordinary and horrible ghosts.

They were a fireball within the ice of a frozen civilization and the Turkish scent is still perceived in half the organs of the world. Nowadays, modern science finds the lost traces of old nations that lived on earth thousands of years ago. We find the Turkish race in the bright pages of history,creating a bridge between the east and the west by creating new states and forming new cultures. Many scientists in Europe refuse to recognize this fact.

However, Atatürk’s life, the awekening of the Turkish nation and their developing a new national spirit clearly shows us that the 20th century is not the first time that a state has been created by them. In the personality of Kemal Atatürk, a brave spirit rises to the light and this spirit shows the path to freedom and salvation to the nations that are captured by others in other parts of the world. His personality has virtually been legend from the shores of the Nile to the old China seas. Still, he is at the center of his nation. With the help of his eternal youth, huge determination and power, this man of wisdom and faith enables the world to watch a miracle of a man in sincerety towards his nation and to the world.

Herbert MELZIG


Although it was presumed to be a great defeat, The Turkish Nation has delivered a great struggle and gained its independence. The nations owes a bow of respect to him.

We Germans owe the Turks the example of tearing apart and casting away the decisions of the victors’ diplomacy.

Wissen Und Wehr, German Military Magazine


Mustafa Kemal and his nation had no weapons and they were in a very desperate situation, however, they entered a struggle to open a new era in history and they showed all the world how spiritual power is stronger than any weapon on earth.

Professor Herbert MELZIG, German Historian


What makes Mustafa Kemal superior to other high officers is his scorn of death and being the greatest example to his soldiers in terms of bravery.

Professor Herbert MELZIG, German Historian


He is a man who won his nation’s right of freedom in battle while it was sentenced to captivity, he is a man who tore the death sentence for his nation and threw it to the faces of his enemies.

German Press


Atatürk is an eternal symbol for all nations who feel freedom within themselves.

German Press



It is only natural that the two nations are in grief because of the death of the Turkish Chief.

Etnika Nea Newspaper


Our friend Turkey is preparing to pay its final respect to its founder and creator.



Before his death, Atatürk has finished his task to create a strong, young and hard working Turkey that is admired and respected by everyone.

Elenikon Mellon Newspaper


We accepted the fact that he was not an ordinary man and that we had not been able to understand his creative power after he threw away the English, the French and the Italian from Anatolia and defeated us.(1938)

Yorgi PesmazoÄŸlu, Greek Minister of Economics


Each country will make statues of great men that brought victory, well being and happiness to their nation. However, Turkey will have to excavate and look for a distinguished stone in the mountains to carve Atatürk’s statue. Because Turkey had the previlage to have such a distincted leader that all the world looked on in envy and admiration. The death of this great man is not only a loss for Turkey, but for the whole civilized world.



Atatürk was in search for the roots of the Turks. Turks have always been influenced by the positive or negative theories of foreign historians. Kemal Atatürk has given the Turkish Nation a rank of nobility that all countries in the world would envy. For the forthcoming generations, only his era would be enough for them to be proud of their past.

A. V. Daskalavis, Greek Historian


We, the Royal Government, the Hellenic Nation and I personally share the national mourning of our friend and ally Turkey. Greece has decided to show its deepest sympathy to this noble and friendly nation in their most difficult time. While remembering the Great Chief, the brave soldier and the creator of Turkey in respect, Greece will never forget the fact that President Kemal Atatürk has been the founder of Turkish-Greek peace and cooperation. Greece will always keep the meaningful memory of the Great Deliverer that changed the fate of the noble Turkish Nation.

General Metaksas, Prime Minister of Greece, 1938


“Atatürk’s only feature and fame is not his shiny sword. Things he did in peace expressed the strength of his determination and the brilliance of his ideas. A development such this great has not been achieved since the time of Peter the Great. Atatürk has managed to create a young, strong and determined Turkey that knows where to go in only 16 years.

Akropolis Newspaper


No one has ever done what Atatürk has done in Turkey anywhere. Neither Cavour, nor Cromwell, nor Washington… No one has done what he has done and no one has found what he has found. The new generation that he created according to his principles will surely continue in his path.

Tipos Newspaper


Plutarque has written the biographies of many heros in history. He believes the greatest success and happiness a man can ever reach in life is to be remembered by other nations of the world in respect and mourning at the time of death and he states that this has been achieved by only a few men in ancient history. Had Atatürk lived before the time of Plutarque, we would definitely be among those happy people. The Turkish Nation has cried for the days for Atatürk like a real father who had given life or actually given back life. Being loved and mourned after this much is an exception in the nations’ history of the world.

Athinaika, Athens, 12th November 1938



Kemal Atatürk is the man who made Turkey a modern Republic with his vision, courage and political, social and economic reforms. Again, he is the man who prepared the understructure of the modern economy of Turkey that can level with the European Common Market. He has been a good example to others with his personality, responsibility and courage. I have observed that most of your citizens own these features. Atatürk and his friends have prepared the basis of the reputation that Turkey has gained today.
As Kemal Atatürk had said, the Turkish Nation is ready and determined to walk on the way of civilization continously without any fear. I would like to add that this development is growing in the economic power and wealth of the country as well.
LUNS, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs



Budapest, 20.00 hrs. Hungarian News Agency Announcement: Prime Minister Imredi has ordered that Monday, 21th November, which is the burrial ceremony day for Atatürk, is to be a national mourning day and all official buildings throughout the country are to raise black flags. Ministry of Defence and the Mayor of Budapest have also decided accordingly and all military buildings and the buildings of the municipality are to be black-flagged. The mayor also called for the people to put black flags on the windows of their homes.

Nazmetti Ujsang Newspaper, Budapest, 1938


The chief of the new Turkish Nation holds a distinguished place among the modern statesmen. His mission was the most critical one and he has been amazingly successful. This success has been achieved by his character of steel and irresistibly determination.

His death cannot be called the fall of Turkey because the young generation is eager to continue on the road their chief has opened for them.

Ujmagyar Newspaper, Budapest, 1938


He has been the first man in this century to prove this reality: “Nothing is impossible.”

Old Usjag, Hungary


The world should feel the poorer for the death of this great man and hero of both at war and at peace.

Pester Loyd, Budapest


The world has felt the poorer for the death of this great man and hero of both at war and at peace periods. It is Atatürk who broke the chains of the victors of the war with his Power, determination and courage.

Pester Loyd Newspaper


Atatürk’s country gained everything suddenly whatever revolutions and reforms can give, whereas this takes a long time in the west. He has left so many deep traces in Turkish life that this is an achievement that can be witnessed in the west in a century.

Prof. Dr. Fekete Lajos


I resemble Turkey as a bee hive and all the Turks as bees looking for honey. Turkish nation has gathered around Mustafa Kemal today, just like the bees gathering and working around the queen bee.

Prof. M. Zajti Franes



Kemal Atatürk was my hero in my youth. We were dealing with our own independance movement at the time. Me and my friends were imprisoned. We were in jail, watching Kemal Pasha’s struggle to save Turkey from foreign dominion. I can never forget our celebration and happiness in jail when we heard about his great victory. Later, we read about his reforms. At those times it was impossible for us to comprehend those reforms.

I highly appreciated the moves of Kemal Pasha. His dynamism and potential was to be highly admired. I wanted so much to visit him, however I didn’t have the chance. I’m really sorry for that. He is one of those who created the modern era in the East. I will keep being one of his greatest admirers.

Pandit NEHRU, Prime Minister of India


Kemal Atatürk has been more constructive and creative than all the personalities of power balances within Europe that were created by the war. His great success in military saved his country from the rule of foreign powers. After many defeats, his talented diplomacy won Turkey an important international reputation in Europe. He managed to save his country from disgrace and coped with all sorts of threats and dangers.

A Hindu Leader


Contrary to other dictators or leaders, Kemal Atatürk did not force people in relation with him to accept his political and social views. He always wanted to review his reformist plan with his people. He believed that this was the only way to be successful and he tried his best to convince the Turkish people. Kemal Atatürk disliked two things, being proud of himself and being threatened.

Palestine Post


He fought unforgivingly with the enemies of the Republic. After the State was secure from possible enemy threats, he prepared a democratic basis for the citizens of his country for more freedom and opportunities. He was always against totalitarian party mechanisms. Under his rule, Turkey became a strong constitutional Republican, democratic country.

Civil and Military Newspaper


Today, the National Assembly accepted the resolution to send a condolence message to Turkey on the death of the Great Leader and decided to cease its meeting for one day in order to show its respect. The resolution was offered by the Congress Party leader Mr. Buhulabhal Desai and was supported by all other leaders in the Assembly. President of the Assembly, Mr. Abdürrahim said:

“Atatürk was a man who had a great influence on the world’s politics. His effect on most of Asia and its people was functional and exceptional.”

Delhi, 14th November, 1938

Speeches were given and poems were read for Atatürk at the National Assembly of India and everyone cried for him.

Times Correspondent in Delhi


Once, Asia used to be proud of its glamorous past with its immense civilizations in order to avoid its shameful misery of today. Later, we saw Asia immitating Europe in a dark and desperate era. The forthcoming of Renaissence was a miracle and Asia began to show itself. In the far

east, Japan has managed to arrange its sources according to the necessities of the new age and has achieved a reputation among the top countries on the world. It is a shame that its acts of arrogance will bring its end and from now on, it is impossible to take it as the possible deliverer of Asia’s reputation. While we had turned our faces to the reborn Turkey as a hope, we heard the bitter news about Kemal’s death. Before Kemal appeared on the scene and reminded us about the victorious past of Asia, Turkey was seen as a Sick Man in Europe. His deeds have given us a new hope of life in the east and that is why we highly admire Kemal’s spirit. His death is a great loss for Turkey, as well as for the whole world. Kemal Pasha’s bravery is not only on the battlefield. He has leaded a tough war against the treachery of ignorance, perhaphs the most difficult war a nation can ever face. He was a great deliverer of his people. He should be a great example for us.

Rabindranath, Indian Philosopher


His inspiring success has placed him easily in the Milky Way of the immortals where every generation will respect him forever.

Sir Sinkandar Hayat KHAN, Prime Minister of Pencab


He was one of the greatest men the world has ever seen.

Star Of India, Delhi


Atatürk was the leader of the Turkish Nation as well as all other nations of the world fighting for independence. You have reached independence under his directives. We have reached independence walking in his path as well.

Ms. Sucheta KRIPALANI, President of the Indian Parliament Committee



He was not only the great chief of his brave nation. He was also one of the greatest sons of humanity.



Those like Atatürk are not born for a generation or a limited period of time. They are men who will be the leaders of their nations for centuries.

Tahran Newspaper


The deep mourning of the brave and noble Turkish Nation has reached its peak today. Because today, the Turkish Nation is to take its most honoured and most distinctive child to his grave. Sounds of crying and mourning are to rise today from beautiful Ankara. The Turkish Nation today is under a great distress because they have to be apart from their chief who had lead them and inspired them in every way. Atatürk was not only the great chief of his brave nation. He was also one of the greatest sons of humanity.

The mission of the committees representing millions of people that attend to the burrial ceremony of Atatürk is to express the feelings of sorrow and pain that people feel for this irrecoverable damage.

Iran Newspaper


Such ingenious men never die. Because their deeds that have been carved deep into the Conciousness of their nations will make them live forever. Such men are not born for a generation or for a limited period of time. They will dominate the histories of their nations for centuries by letting them use the endless source they have created.

Tahran Newspaper


The Royal Palace, the Shah and the government have announced mourning for a month because of Atatürk’s death. His Majesty the Shah has ordered to lower the flags in all military and official buildings of Iran and the embassies of Iran in other countries till the end of the burrial ceremony. The Shah’s decision has been announced in all papers of the country today.




Naming General Mustafa Kemal as Atatürk shows us the respect his nation feels for him. After the Ottoman Empire lost the 1st World War, he managed to fight and save the honour of his country and succeeded in bringning his country to a new development phase.

It is quite natural that Atatürk’s life is emphasized whenever one mentions the history of the 20th century because he is one of the best examples of brave soldiers who are always ready and willing to transform defeat into victory, to change the situation of a collapsing country to an evaluation phase in their feelings of discipline and responsibility.

Although the master plan of Atatürk aims to westernize Modern Turkey, his efforts to bring his country to the level where it can meet the requirements of the political status of the century, his efforts to develop his country in economic, social and cultural fields are realities that can never be denied.

Abdülselam ARÄ°F


Atatürk did not leave a child. However, this great nation will always remember him, saying, “You are my father, the reason of my being, your name will always live in our hearts with respect and blessings.”

From Iraqi Elâlem Elarabi



The world has lost one of the most interesting men of our time.

Palestine Post, Jerusalem


“There is no doubt that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century raised before the World War. No other nation in the world posesses such a brave and great reformer.”

Ben Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel (1963)



“With the death of Atatürk, a very strong personality that created the development of the near east has been lost.”



“He is an exceptional character that has managed to gain the trust of his nation till the end of his life and has ruled his country as a victorious commander.”



He has won victories against his enemies with his extraordinary determination, limitless courage and distinctive, sharp mind. His wisdom and authority has enabled him to achieve a perfect victory in three years not only in the military sense but also politically.

F.Perrone Di San Martino, Italian Author


In the struggle with the French, with his wide vision and understanding, he has forced them to cease weapons and return to Marseille although they had the intention to invade Killikia and had other ambitions in Asia.

The war Mustafa Kemal prepared and conducted in Anatolia has become a great success with the trust and belief he created among his nation. All the world admired this. Mustafa Kemal’s brilliant war strategies, indestructable determination and desire ruled the war from its beginning till its end.

F.Perrone Di San Martino, Italy


Atatürk has given back its historical values to a country that had collapsed. That is why he should always be remembered as one of the most courageous reformers of modern times.

Messagero Newspaper


The Italian Nation shares the sorrow of its friend, the Turkish Nation for the death of its Great Chief. With the death of Atatürk, a very strong personality that created the development of the Near East has been lost. The Italian Nation sends its best wishes to the Turkish Republic in this very painful day.

Tribuna Newspaper



An amazing and an attractive person. Great as a soldier, yet even greater as a statesman.

Japan Times, Tokyo


The greatest leader Asia Minor has created in a century.

The Japan Chronicle, Kobe


The reality that tore apart the traditions of the Turkish foreign and domestic policies after the establishment of the Republic were the traces of his genius. At the time Atatürk passed away, the main target of Turkish foreign policy was to keep peace around the Near East, the Balkans and the Western Asia and to improve the mutual understanding among the countries of the region. This ideal will keep Turkey from getting into one of the “ideological fronts” of Europe that threathen the continent seriously.

Japanese Press


On the death anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder and the first President of Modern Turkey, I would like to pay my respect to this great leader of mankind and send my sincere greetings to the Turkish Nation.

Atatürk is very well known in Japan. He has saved Turkey from the disasters after the First World War and has been a hero by winning a great victory. He is a great statesman who has created a new Turkish Republic from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. We have admired Atatürk’s reformist deeds, especially those concerning the Turkish Language.




“Great Men lead their generation. The great genius of the Turkish Nation, Atatürk, was a great political and military personality and a great nationalist. He united his country with the help of his soldiers that gathered round him and he worked miracles and won victories for his nation that always lived with hope. Atatürk will always live as a symbol of patriots who are deliverers of their nations. The Turkish Nation remembers its Great Father in respect. May it be well known that his name will always be remembered in understanding and admiration as the brave and devoted Father of the Turkish Nation.

Kerema, Prime Minister of Lebanon, 10th November 1963


Atatürk was literally a founder and creator. He has drawn new borders for his country on the world’s map and has found all the necessary sources to feed it. He has obtained weapons to protect his country and he has obtained a language and an alphabet for his nation. All this was completed successfully from 1923 to 1938. He defended his country against foreign threats. Those foreigners had been victorious in the war and they were capable of doing whatever they wished. Everyone should clearly understand that this great guide who has closed his eyes forever in a palace room by the Ä°stanbul strait will always remain as a miracle in the pages of history.

Loryan Newspaper, Beirut, 1938


It is very difficult to define the life of this man whose death has affected the world deeply. Atatürk was one of the most exceptional geniuses the world has ever seen. He has changed the course of history. We bow with respect in the immortal presence of the most honoured dictator of the world and send our condolences to the Turkish Nation that is suffering its worst sorrow.

Ennehar Newspaper, Beirut, 1938


Mustafa Kemal, who cast out the Sultans, tore apart armies has died. He was the hero of the Dardanelles and the creative mind of Sakarya. He had created Turkey out of nothing, he gave them freedom, he provided honour for his nation. The greatest enemy of evil and the creator of Kemalism has died. Every head bowed whenever his name was mentioned, yet, he has died. Our hearts tremble with this great pain.

Ebabil Newspaper, Beirut, 1938


Atatürk’s death is a great loss not only for Turkey, but also for most of the eastern nations that need such adeliverer.

El Ehram Newspaper, Beirut


The most exceptional genius the world has ever seen. He has changed the course of world history.

An Nahar, Beirut



Atatürk will remain as one of the greatest men of his nation in history. Turkey has recovered and has the opportunity to continue on the path Atatürk has taken them in a more powerful manner.

Le Morgen Bladet Newspaper, Oslo, 12th November 1938


Atatürk has reconstructed Turkey. He has left behind a state that will go on with its path in a confident manner.

Monges Handels Newspaper, Oslo, 12th November 1938



Kemal Atatürk is not only one of the greatest men of this century. We, in Pakistan, see him as one of the greatest men of all times. Mustafa Kemal was a military genius, a born leader and a great patriot and he managed to take Turkey to greatness again. He was not only your nation’s dear leader. All the muslim world watched him in love and respect. He was one of the few in the muslim world that made a brave step towards awakening in terms of politic scope. On this mournful day, we would like to share your deep love and respect to this great founder of your nation.

Eyüp Khan, President of Pakistan, 10th November 1938

We were like a fading sparkle when our eyes met his and we turned out to be a sun to enlighten the world.

Ä°kbal, Pakistani Poet


I have heard about the death of Mustafa Kemal, the President of the Turkish Republic, in deep sorrow. I would like my sincere condolences to be accepted.

Muhammed Ali Cinnah-Kaidiâzam, President of Pakistan



Atatürk has created Turkey with his sword and organized it with his ingenious ideas. There is no field that his creative spirit and strong nationalistic feelings are missing. He was the first to understand that the worst for old Turkey was the Sultan’s regime to let foreigners get involved in interior affairs in the Ottoman Empire. Atatürk has saved Turkey from being divided and demolished. Today, Turkey has got plenty of friendly countries both around it and in Europe. By his glamorous spirit in reforms, politics, economics and all other aspects, he has won the admiration of the world and added the most honoured period of time to Turkey’s history.

The starting date of this reorganization is 1923, which is the date for the Lausanne Treaty. Poland, being in traditional relation with Turkey for 150 years, was the first country to sign this aggreement. The Turkish Nation has got national pride and it is only natural for it to embrace its father Atatürk with a sincere love. Turkey has recently been a country to be taken into consideration in the international arena. The modernization and renovation movement of Turkey continues. The Sick Man of the Ottomans has recovered. Its development and energy is fine. Atatürk has really created a miracle.

Gazeta Polska, Warsaw, 1938


Turkey has taken the key role in the near east again under the rule of Atatürk.



A long way has been completed, a masterpiece has been created and many victories have been witnessed. All these belong to Atatürk.

Kurjer Warzavski Newspaper


It is only natural that the Turkish Nation, well known for its national pride, embraces its father, Atatürk, with sincere love.

Gazeta Polska



Atatürk will take his place in history as an ingenious organizer, a miracle in administration and the saver of his country.

Independance Romaine Newspaper, Bucharest, 12th November 1938


Atatürk used to understand the real needs of the nation. He had accepted the criteria of a regional development policy instead of the former Sultan’s policy of exterior expansion.

He constructed the national life of his country on a strong basis by evaluating his organization with a strong feedback and new reforms. These feats, concentrated to the depths of the spirit of the nation, can only be compared with the expansion plans of Fatih

Sultan Mehmet. Atatürk, as mentioned in the name itself, has literally been the father of the Turks. A rather though father, yet the father who has arranged today’s well-being.

His deeds can be a subject of pleasure and well-being for all the world.

Curentil Newspaper, Bucharest, 12th November 1938


We share the sorrow of the Turkish Nation with all our heart for the death of their Great Chief and leader. Atatürk is one of the greatest leaders of the world who has saved and elevated his nation from disaster with his determination.

Timpul Newspaper, Bucharest, 12th November 1938


Our nation bows in sorrow and respect for the death of the greatest Turk.



All schools were closed when the news arrived in Romania that Atatürk was dead.

Rodar News Agency, Bucharest


Atatürk will take his place in history as an genius organizer, a miracle in administration and the deliverer of his country.

Independance Romaine Newspaper


This reformer who rose over ordinary humans was most humane with his character and life-style. Originally, these are the reasons of the attraction to his personality and his authority, which he has managed to keep till the end of his life.

Vittorul Newspaper, Marcel Sauvage


Atatürk has opened a new era in the world. I can never forget how he gave a lesson to the west by giving the rights of the women and expressing the importance of mothers in his country.

Princess Alexandria, Delegate of International Women’s Association



Our nation knows the name Kemal Atatürk very well because of his efforts to give his nation freedom and his struggle for national development. Atatürk has awakened the Turkish Nation to fight with the imperialists. The first Republic of the near and middle east owes its birth to him. This Republic has been an example to many national independence movements in many countries. Atatürk believed that his fight against imperialism was a holy war and he gained the admiration of the Turkish Nation as well as the whole world.

Atatürk has done much to save Turkey from lagging back a century. The reforms he had made aimed to develop economic life, industry and agriculture. In the time of Atatürk, Turkey’s international authority has grown and Turkey began to play an important role in world politics.

N.S.CRUSHCHEF, President Of The Soviet Union, 10th November 1938


Atatürk has been the creator and the pioneer of many reforms, such as, the declaration of the Republic, establishment of the national banks and national industry, construction of railroads, expropriation of foreign investments, seperation of religious and governmental issues, use of the Latin alphabet, acception of the women’s rights and the deletion of ranks.

Pravda Newspaper, Moscow, 10th November 1938


The independence movement of the new Turkey depended totally on Kemal Atatürk and his death is a great loss for the Turkish Nation. All sincere friends of independent Turkey feel sorrow for the loss of this great man.

Izvestia Newspaper, Moscow, 11th November 1938


His name is directly related with the national independence war and the reorganization of Turkey in the political field. Kemal Atatürk’s death is a great loss for the Turkish Nation as well as all the friends of Turkey. Being one of the sincere friends of Turkey, the Soviet Union is in deep sorrow because of the death of this unique statesman.

Izvestia Newspaper, Moscow, 1938


The death of Atatürk has put all the Turkish Nation in deep sorrow. People who are sensitive about the independence and freedom of their countries are also sad. Friends of independent Turkey, the Soviet Union and all other countries that are in development, surely share the deep mourning of the Turkish Nation.

Journal de Moscou, Moscow, 1938


His death is a big loss for the world as well.

Soviet Union


The late President’s reputation was worldwide. Everyone loved and respected him because of his fight to gain the independence of the Turkish Nation. He has strengthened the new national structure of his country.

Kalinin, Prime Minister of the Soviet Union



The military genius and a stateman’s philosophic genius were collected in Atatürk.
“The great Turkish nationalist has passed away but his masterpiece is alive and it is climbing the steps that will take it to the road to power every day. The Mausoleum of Kemal Atatürk in Ankara is the sybmol of continuous unity and reform.”
Arriba Newspaper



The Turks will emulate his magnificent efforts and improve their reputation.


The world has never witnessed such an exciting spectre as Turkey’s reestablishment in western esteem.

Social Demokraten Newspaper


If it weren’t for him, Modern Turkey would never exist. The Turks will emulate his magnificent deeds and they will improve their existing reputation even more.

Nya Daglig Newspaper


Turkey’s reestablishment and organization has been a life-giving reform. Today, Turkey is devoted to the strong personality of Atatürk. The last victory achieved with the final Ottoman Emperor’s leaving the country on November 1922 has been saluted with great eagerness and anxiety in the east. The actions taken afterwards, the strong decisions and the swift practice has amazed all the world.

Aftenbladet Newspaper


Kemal Atatürk saved his country from being torn apart completely and created a strong, modern and a national state. Atatürk has broken tha chain of the invaders. At the stage of his death, Turkey has such an important role around the Ä°stanbul Strait and Near East region that all the great states turn their faces to Ankara.

Svenska Dagbladet Newspaper

It can clearly be seen that Atatürk, the great chief, during his 14 years period ruling the Turkish Nation, has managed to do things that have never been done in the past centuries. The Turks will follow him and they will enhance the existing reputation of their country in the world.

Nya Dagligt Allehanda Newspaper


The remainings and the deeds of Atatürk, the creator of Modern Turkey is well known in Sweden. We have admired the development of Turkey under the leadership of Atatürk. Turkey has been placed on a very strong basis after many difficult reforms created and realised by Atatürk.

Erlander, Prime Minister of Sweden


Under the rule of Atatürk, Turkey has been a modern state in the western standard. The reputation of this state keeps growing today. The reformist movement has changed the country completely. Turkey has achieved great success in foreign politics under the rule of Atatürk.

Dagens Nyheter Newspaper


Atatürk is definitely the most interesting dictator of the post war period. First he saved the status of Turkey as an independent country. Then, he has created a new Turkish state and placed a new legislation, a new culture and a new aim to aspire to. There are many types of dictators. Some of them prefer to kill freedom and some prefer to give freedom and culture to the nation. Atatürk’s Turkey is a typical example for the latter. The world has never experienced such an exciting development as Turkey’s reestablishment as a westernized country.

Social Demokraten Newspaper



(At the meeting held by the Turkish Student Association in Lausanne)
“You, the Turkish youth, have every right to cry and mourn today because you have lost your Great Chief. The University shares your deep sorrow. It is not possible to cover the life of the great man Atatürk in a limited time here. I would just like to remind you about the brilliant pages he has written in the book of his nation’s history. I salute this Great Man of history, who created Turkey, with great respect.”
Professor Morrf
He was not only a soldier but a genius that we may not be able to see again in this century. Mankind mourns because of his death. My deep condolences to the Turkish students.



He did not ask for a throne from his people after he managed to save his country from almost certain disaster. He was a great human being, a genius, a brave soldier and a distinguished statesman. He devoted his life to the happiness of his nation and passed away too young.

Elifba Newspaper, Damascus, 1939


Syrians share the great sorrow the Turkish Nation feels because of the death of Atatürk, the founder of Turkey and the creator of Turkish power and greatness. While our sister nation is in pain, the only thing we can do is to follow this great man’s path.

Elkabes Newspaper, Damascus, 1938


The deeds of Atatürk are wonderful miracles. The reforms he has made in a couple of years in his country would normally take a couple of centuries.

El Tekaddum Newspaper


Atatürk is a miracle of mankind for all the times in history.




Today, the Tunisian nation is in union with the noble Turkish nation, whom we are tied throughout centuries as sister countries, around the thought of commemorating in respect the unforgetable memory of Mustafa Kemal.


Our nation’s admiration towards him begins in the battlefield where he has proven all the world what a great soldier he is. Today, we are remembering a great man God must have chosen to save his nation, who refused to accept defeat and give up hope. He has managed to unite the power of his nation and pumped infused his people with courage. Pushing fate, he managed to regain the unity of his country and has reached a point from which to achieve independence and freedom for his nation. Thus, Atatürk has shown all the world what a nation that prefers death to slavery can do. This example can never be forgotten.


We respect the personality of Atatürk, who is the creator of independence of the country. He has managed to achieve this from the ashes of a dying Empire.


His immortal masterpiece will be a flashing example and a source of inspiration for the ones who try to dominate nations that have gained their independence.

Habib Burgiba, President of Tunisia


United Kingdom

He was one of the leading characters of the post war period. He formed a class individually and mostly he was unique.

The Fortnightiy, London


Europe has lost one of the few creative post war statesmen that appeared on the scene.

Spectator, England


He added an exceptional energy and an intellectual radicalism to his merciless power and huge ambition. He never got influenced by historical traditions and religious sentimantalism. He always balanced them with his mature policies.

The Times, London


No name in this age has gained such reputation as the name Atatürk.

Observer, London


Turkey was once believed to be an unnecessary member of Europe but under the leadership of Atatürk it became a valuable and revolutionary member of local policy.

Times Newspaper, England


The most gentleman, dependable and friendly statesman of the era is Atatürk.

English Press


If the dictators and the democrats of this age were to be gifted like Atatürk, the world wouldn’t have been seperated into two.



Atatürk was the living example of dignity and honour in a world where these two values are only remembered in words.



Everyone is crying for the death of Atatürk. His life will always be remembered as a great statesman, a great soldier, a great man of dignity and honour. England salutes this great man whom at first was a brave and noble enemy, then a loyal friend.

Sunday Times, London


He was a totally exceptional statesman. He has done things that dictators can never tolerate, even the democracies cannot realise or have not realised. Such men in history have always given their names to eras. They are really exceptional.

Word Price


No civilized name can create such respect as the name Atatürk. Atatürk is not only a man that changed the life of Turkey, but is also a man who has done only good things in the international arena.

The Observer, England


Kemalist Turkey has shown all the world how to get into its well deserved honoured place among the leading countries of the world by strong national economic policies.

The Financial Times, England


The Turkish Reform lead by him personally has brought a free and confident life to the men and women of his nation that no other generation in the history of Turkey had ever achieved. His success made Turkey a European country and changed the history of the near east.

Times Newspaper, England


The death of Atatürk, who saved Turkey in the war and resurrected the Turkish Nation after the war, is a great loss not only for his country but also for all of Europe. The tears of people from all classes in the country are nothing but the proof of respect of the brave and modern Turkey for its leader.(1938)

Winston CHURCHILL, Prime Minister of England


Atatürk was a leader in the spirit of the Turkish Nation that resembled the national flag.

Daily Telegraph, England


Kemal Atatürk, the President of the Turkish Republic, carries some features that we are not used to seing in other leaders; modesty, capability and success…

The Truth, English Magazine


The presence of that young and ingenious Turkish Leader at Dardanella was probably the most unfortunate occasion for the allied forces.

Alan Moorehead, English Author


It is necesary to explain the reality in the battlefields at Dardanella. We are now trying to resist the brave Turkish Army, lead by a brave and clever commander.

Hamilton, English General


Our generation has witnessed many strong men gaining power to lead their countries.

But if studied carefully, it will be seen that none of the reforms generated by other nations and states are as well considered as the ones generated by Atatürk.

Daily Telegraph, England


Atatürk is a fresh and a brave leader because he did not get involved with the beliefs of old. We can say that he is the most powerful statesman of Europe today and there is no doubt that he is the most courageous and original statesman of all.

Herbert Sideabotham, English Author


The death of Atatürk, who saved Turkey, leaded and elevated the Turkish Nation, is a great loss for both Turkish Nation and for Europe. The teardrops of the men and women from all social classes of his country are the well deserved proof of the good and right deeds this great man has done in his life.

Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the UK


To understand every incident in detail and the ability to decide and react immediately were the main sources of his unique authority.(1923)

Grace Ellison, English Journalist


Below are the words of the English Prime Minister Lloyd George, known as a Turkish enemy, while he answered the accusations and criticism in the English Parliament for the retreat of the British Army from Anatolia in 1922: “Dear Sirs, you may see an exceptional genius in centuries. It is very unfortunate for us that the great genius of this era came up from the Turkish Nation. There was nothing to be done against the brilliance of Mustafa Kemal.”

Lloyd George, Prime Minister of the UK


The foreign policy of Turkey designed by Atatürk has put Turkey among western nations and old enemies have become friends.

Times Newspaper, England


His resistance at Galippoli peninsula in WW I and his ingenious struggle in the War of Independence has brought him glamorous victories.

He has managed to cope with unexpected difficulties and misfortunes with the help of his high spirit and patience.

The Times, England


I commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on his 25th death anniversary with deep respect. Atatürk’s name was known in our country 50 years ago as a brilliant Turkish military commander. After peace was maintained we had the chance to meet him as the Atatürk with his statist features that has put him among the great national leaders in history.

Today, Turkey is in partnership with England in Western unity. England and Turkey share the same general policies and are in contact in various fields. This is mainly a result of the deeds of Atatürk.

On the 25th death anniversary, I respect him as a brave soldier and as the Father of modern Turkey. We will always remember him as a satatesman in admiration and in respect.

Sir A. Douglas Hume


Some people regarded Atatürk as a dictator. I say this is wrong and such a thought will lead you on a wrong path. Although the term dictator is well suited to Hitler and Mussolini, actually there is no definition of a dictator. In this case, one may ask, why do you put Atatürk aside from this term.

I have many reasons. First of all, Atatürk was leading a scientific study for the times that he would not exist. His intention was to develop a governmental and constitutional system that would operate after him. He never forced his people to believe in his vision. Instead, he tried to teach and explain his ideals to them. He had taken the decisive power of his nation from the Great National Assembly at the time of the War of Independence while he was planning the future with his friends. The members of the Assembly were elected by the people. The President was elected every four years and the Assembly had the power to rule as well as the power to pass laws. Atatürk’s respect for the Great National Assembly is important. His main concern with the interior affairs was to create a living political organism with the capability to react promptly to situations that might arise.

If he were alive, I suppose that he would refuse to be a candidate for the Presidency and stay aside to observe if the mechanism would function as well as he wanted it to. I am not sure if his friends would accept this, though.

Sir Percy Loraine, UK Ambassador


Atatürk’s reform will be continuous. Because this reform has enabled Turkey to change completely after the war and this strong nation has no enemies anymore. This is something no other human being has ever achieved in our time.

Vernon Barlett


Today, Turkey is a big and a new country. This new Turkey had found itself in the personality of Atatürk after the treachery, misery and the weariness of the war. He gave life to this new Turkey.

Daily Mail


“The Greatest Man of History”

One of the most popular papers of England states that Atatürk is the greatest man of our era and history. It also mentions that his value cannot be compared to any other great personality in history.

While mentioning Atatürk, the paper gives examples from various eras and some distinctive characters remembered in those times and states that Atatürk can never be compared with them, being a great reformer, a great soldier and a great statesman. The paper reads, in order assess Atatürk, it is not enough to follow his way. One has to be as clever as he is and has to make decisions as fast and correct as he does.

The paper states that no other great man in history has ever achieved the privilage to rise to his level.

English Press, London


United States of America

I am proud to attend to the 25th Anniversary of the Memorial Ceremony of Atatürk’s death. Atatürk reminds us of many things. The historical success of great leaders of this century, leadership that inspires the Turkish Nation, the supreme vision of the modern world, and as a soldier, high determination and bravery.

The birth of the Turkish Nation from the ruins of a collapsing empire, New Turkey’s decleration of its freedom and independance in honour and protecting it since then are the work of Atatürk and his Nation. There is no doubt that the revolutions he has carried out in his country shows how the trust of a nation brings success. There is no other example like this.

John F. Kennedy, President of U.S.A. 10th November 1963


I am sorry in two ways. First of all, I, like all the world, am sorry for such a great man to pass away. Secondly, no matter how much I wanted to get to know him personally, it is now impossible for me to do that.

Franklin ROOSVELT, President of U.S.A. 10th November 1963


He was one of the greatest leaders of our age as a soldier and as a statesman. He has made Turkey take its deserved place among the most developed countries of the world. He has given the Turks the feelings of confidence and endurance. I am proud of myself for being one of Atatürk’s loyal friends.

McARTHUR, General


“I have just received the news about Kemal. Someone who knew him personally has passed me the news. While I was in discussion with the Soviet Russian Minister of Foreign affairs Litvinof about the recognition of the Soviet Socialist Government, I had asked who was the most remarkable statesman of Europe for him. He answered promptly saying that the most remarkable stasetman of Europe didn’t live in Europe; this statesman was definitely Mustafa Kemal, the President of Turkish Republic.”

Hearing this from a brilliant statesman like Litvinof, who I believe is the most remarkable one of his kind after Disraeli who was once in charge of the United Kingdom, I thought these words were of great importance.

Franklin D. Rooswelt, President of U.S.A., 1928


“Dinner parties given to a hundred people were no different than the ones given in European capitals. However, the ones given in the Turkish Republic made them more glamorous compared to the Europeans’ because of the solid gold tableware used that were the remainings of 2nd Mahmut (1808-1839). Apart from all, Mustafa Kemal is a serious warrior. He is strong, confident, thoughtful, hard and straightforward. However, on that night, he was a kind and gentle statesman as well as a perfect President. Every Ambassador that night felt honoured to be there with him.”

General Charles Sherill, Former Ambassador of U.S.A. to Ankara, Turkey


It should not be forgotten that Kemal has shown a brilliant strategy at Dumlupınar and has succeeded in making use of the Turkish forces that were less in number.

What the Greek army faced is an exceptionally rare defeat that only a few occupying armies have witnessed in history.

General Charles Sherill, Former Ambassador of U.S.A.


He won Lausanne; the first victory Old Asia has won over Europe win in two centuries.

New York Times


One of the most attentive and attractive men has passed away from the stage of the world.

Chicago Tribune


He was one of the most talented leaders of the post war period.

New York Times


There is a proof of perfect leadership in his dominant eyes. His thick eyebrows never stay still. They rise to high, intellectual peaks and get crossed suddenly to form indescribable cracks on his forehead. He has a fare skin, tanned. He is not a brunette. His hair is blondish brown. The clean cut features of his mouth and chin show his certainity in his decisions. He is always alert, straightforward and very intelligent.

Gladys Baker, American Journalist


The American Government is in a deep sorrow because of Atatürk’s death. This sorrow is not limited to the Turkish Nation and their borders. It expands widely.

Kordel HALL, Secretary of State, U.S.A.


This Turkish man, admired by the whole world, has made the Turkish people proud of themselves, their history and their language. For the future of his nation, he has generated such a great power that has not been generated in the past several centuries.

General C. H. SHERILL, Former American Ambassador


Mustafa Kemal has achieved success mainly because of his endless patience.

Charles H. SHERILL, Former American Ambassador


Atatürk’s devotion to his country was highly respected by the whole world.

F. D. ROOSVELT, President of the U.S.A.


America admires the determination, courage and the results of Atatürk’s deeds that many people can never achieve.

American Press

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former Yugoslavia

The wonder of Atatürk will symbolize the spirit of the Turkish Nation in history.

Branko Aczemovich, Yugoslavian Ambassador


History will never forget the name of this statesman. Atatürk is a man of the people. His determination, sharp mind and power has raised him above his fate and he has been the founder of Turkey.

Politika Newspaper

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