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What I never heard from Mehmet, my dad, is 'No, You can’t, etc'. And in return, I couldn’t do much for him, with him.

Whatever i did good, i dedicate all of it to my so much missed father, Mehmet Madak, the man who always left me free with my decisions along with sharing his opinions.


May God rest your soul in peace dad, and my deepest thankfulness and gratitude to you, for everything you have done, for all your support, for always believing in me, and for furnishing me with self confidence and the highest level of open-mindedness. Most importantly, for all those encyclopedias during the childhood that introduced me to the world for the first time, to science, to all different cultures and people around the world, to the universe, to anything going on besides our humble life in our happy corner; you took me beyond. Rest in peace… There is nothing I can say but express my deepest thankfulness.

E+MODEL; The way you will CHANGE THE WORLD


BIZ2GETHER; The way you will  DO BUSINESS+


And many more!


All for a great common future!

And it's all about inspiring each other! All about activating your potential!

And all this,will just help us with +mode to make it to the start line. These are only exercise!

 rENAISSANCE 4.0 4maxımumwısdomfootprınt &mıncarbon 


© 2018-2023 Özgür Madak | All rights reserved.

Proudly created to share & inspire & activate | Contact | in btw old&new

... Aydın; place of birth and childhood  | İstanbul; place of university illumination  

London; place of upgrade | New York; place of birth of the vision ...

~ Illumination; a continuous process. If you think about it, and act about it, and act with it;

it will be a more productive and easier process for all of us. ~ 

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